Monday, November 10, 2014


Did anyone's speech inform you or persuade you on a topic?  If not, which speech did you find to be the most convincing or well delivered and why?


  1. I found Tyler's speech to be persuasive because I would not have originally thought torture to be necessary, and he convinced me otherwise.

  2. I liked Tyler's speech on torture. He convinced me that torture is acceptable.

  3. Daniels was very persuasive in persuading me mascots are meant to inspire not insult, Indians are not as offended as we think

  4. Aaron Stoner's speech informed me on world peace. He came through and delivered it in a very professional manner. I also am excited for Khai to give his speech.

  5. The speech about bikes vs. cars. Kelly did a really good job and had a lot of good points I agreed with.

  6. I feel that Kelly's speech was definitely the most informative and persuasive. She also delivered her topic it very well.

  7. i liked Joanna's speech the best. It persuaded me to agree with her more than i already did.

  8. I think Joanna's speech was very persuasive. She used a lot of support for her point and her side of the argument was very strong.

  9. I thought Dan's speech was very convincing and it made me want our old school mascot back

  10. I found Kelly's speech on biking to be very interesting because I agree with it. She was really straightforward about it.

  11. Joanna Michele Suarez's speech persuaded me the most. She opened my mind to the harsh consequences of polygamy and that it is of the devil.

  12. tylers speech was persuasive because i didnt think that torture was good. but then his speech persuaded me that it was acceptable.

  13. i found Joanna's speech the most convincing because she had good arguments about having multiple wives or husbands is bad

  14. I found Kelly's speech on bikes vs cars very convincing. She gave very solid arguments and evidence.

  15. Tyler's speech on torture. It was very informative and made me fell like it was okay to do in times of need.

  16. Joanna's speech informed me the most. I didn't really know anything and she made it really clear what Polygamy meant.

  17. Tyler's speech was the best. It was very convincing and i agreed with him even before the speech.

  18. Dan it was a topic I strongly agree with but now i know how to explain why its okay for school mascots to be related to Indians and other racily questioning figures

  19. Joanna's speech persuaded me that polygamy was wrong and she delivered it really well.

  20. Shelby's made me change my opinion on child beauty pageants and I also think she did an amazing job at giving her speech with all of the technical difficulties.
