Thursday, November 13, 2014


Read the prologue. 

Based on what you read, what is this book going to be about??


  1. It is going to be about a period of time after the writer got into the accident and recovered. It will most likely be about her time at Brown and the remainder of that year upon her return

  2. In my thoughts, the rest of the books journey took place in the rest of the year, and parts of her life that stood out with struggle and recovery.

  3. the events leading up to and after the accident.

  4. It will be about the author's journey to figure out what she's going to do with the rest of her life. She's very analytical and does not have too many emotions besides some ambition, or annoyance so a love life would not be easy or possible. Most likely there is also going to be a lot of tension with her parents about school and her decisions.

  5. The rest of the book is going to be about her dance classes and college life in general.

  6. I think this book would be about her life after the accident she was in and how it had influenced her life today (ex. she dances to reduce stress, watches who she goes on dates with, how her injuries limit her abilities, etc.)

  7. A 19 year old girl who got into a car accident with a reckless boy that she went on a date with. Then an ambulance came for her. she practically spent her whole summer immobilized. She had to wear a "halo brace." She then returned to college.She wanted to dance professionally. So instead of having to do regular physical therapy, she just danced to heal her body. She was close to dying when the accident occurred, but she is lucky to be alive.

    1. This book is most likely going to describe her recovery after the accident and how it changed the way she used to normally do things.

  8. About a nineteen year old girl that get's into an accident. After the accident she becomes more carefree and no longer takes her academics seriously at Brown. She then decides she wants to take up the career of being a ballerina or any dancer. I think the book will go on to talk about her struggles as a dancer with a severe neck injury and her time spent at Brown University and the dance classes there.

  9. This book is going to be about the girl's life after the accident and how it brought on new views and fears that she is going to have to learn to cope with, also how the accident changed her life.

  10. I believe that the rest of the memoir will be about the author's college life. It may also be about her finding her place in society.

  11. From what I read, I think the book will be about what her life was like after the accident. Possibly about how she pursued a new dance career. It might also tell what lessons she took away from the accident and how it influences her decisions and actions.

  12. I thinks that the rest of the book will be about how dance helped her with moving on from the accident.

  13. I think the book is going to be about a girl who loved to take dance, and was hoping to major in it. She was afraid that the accident had ruined her chances of majoring in dance, but she was able to get her flexibility and mobility back. It think it will follow her through the process of getting back on her feet.

  14. a college girls life and a car accident that she got in on a date. also that she was a big dancer, and she wanted to major in it. so i think this book will be about her future as a dancer.

  15. After reading the prologue I can predict that this book will be about a young girl who is trying to get her as close to normal as possible as it was before the accident.

  16. The book if not about the characters accident directly will be about people who sustained critical injuries in tragic accidents and how they managed to heal and to carry on with life.

  17. this book is going to be about a girls life after a terrible car crash. she describes her life as it plays through.

  18. this story is about a 19 year old girl who is home from college and gets into a car accident while on a date with a reckless boy. This car accident left the girl bruised and broken in a corn field. Later a man finds them and helps her by calling an ambulance. After the girl gets better she goes back to college. The only problem with that is she was going to college for dance and the car accident made sure she would not dance again. In the end the girl realizes that she is all the stronger for going through the whole ordeal.

  19. It's about a 19 year old girl who came home during the summer from college. She went on a 3rd date with his boyfriend Martin and they got in a car accident. She was severely injured and her neck is hurt badly. But she manages to survive and she went back to her college Brown University and took no academic classes. She took all dance classes which kind of repaired her body and spirit.

  20. I think that this book will be about a girl who is recovering from an accident, and dancing and this guy will help her with her recovery.

  21. a nineteen year old girl who was in a car accident and reseved a neck fracture witch normally would kill a person if not paralyze them. and as a come back went through dance classes even tho she couldn't move her neck and would never professionally dance. i think the book goes on to say about living life that is what you want and over coming adversity and being told you cant.

  22. After reading this prologue, i believe that the book will be about the rest of this girls life in her college

  23. I think the book is about how hurt the girl is going to be after the accident. Both physically and mentally. She was no longer able to dance because of her limited neck mobility. Hurt mentally by how insensitive her boyfriend was.

  24. Based on what I read, I predict that this book will be about the recovery from the car accident. I predict it will be about her getting her life back together. The only thing is that half way through the book the viewpoint will change to Martin's point of view.

  25. I think that this book will be about her life after the accident and trying to get her life to back to the way it was before. Also how dance is going to help her with her recovery.

  26. I think the book with be about her future in dancing and how she over came her accident.
