Monday, November 24, 2014

Name Theme

Name one theme you see in A Long Way Gone and explain why.


  1. War always brings chaos, confusion, sorrow, loss, and anguish to everyone it surrounds.

  2. Hope is one theme I've seen. The main character would have just given up if he didn't think there was any hope left.

  3. Chaos and death. In the book right now we are seeing a lot of death and chaos raining down over the world.

  4. It is always good to have a close group of friends.

  5. The will to survive is an apparent theme in A Long Way Gone, because Ishmael and his friends are trying to survive while being on the run.

  6. desperate times call for desperate measures because of the war he had to go off on his own to survive

  7. Never Give up, he is beating the odds of survival. He manages to find people after being isolated multiple times, he keeps out of rebel hands, and he manages to find food. His motivation to not give up is the only thing keeping him alive.

  8. Well I am reading another book. In my book a theme is forgiveness and that you must make the best of your circumstances.

  9. The grass isn't always greener on the other side.
    I chose this theme because the group of boys walked to another village that was supposed to have food but by the time they had got there all of the vendors had stopped selling.

  10. A theme I see in A Long Way Gone is every person should look out for themselves. Throughout this whole story, Beah has done whatever it takes to stay alive.

  11. Groups of people will last longer. The groups that banded together survived longer

  12. We see how chaotic things can be without the necessities

  13. I think that A Long Way Gone's theme was that the civil war tore people apart destroyed familys and the country side and emotionally and mentally destroyed young men and boys.

  14. one theme I see in A Long Way Gone is the loss of people who are close to the main character. The main character first lost his parents, then his brother and eventually he will lose some one else.

  15. A theme I see in A Long Way Gone is that isolation can be a dangerous thing. This is a theme because Ishmael, when alone, thinks way too long and hard about things. If he continues with the mindset he occupies, the life or death situation that he is in will swing more towards death.

  16. Perseverance is key, the child is surviving because he refuses to gives up.

  17. One theme I see is knowing who your friends are and who your enemies are.

  18. Persevere! Even though times are tough, Ishmael keeps pushing for survival.

  19. sometimes being alone too much is a bad thing. because ishmael is alone alot and is thinking which is turning out bad for him.

  20. Do what you have to do to survive.

  21. company is better than anything when your alone.

  22. Don't take things for granted is a theme in A Long Way Gone because they are a lot of people in the world like Ishmael that are struggling to survive so don't take things such as food for granted.

  23. You do what you have to do to survive is a theme. Its a theme because in order to survive this war people will have to do things that they normally wouldn't do.

  24. One theme in the book is never give up even if the going gets tough. One example is when Ishmael goes off on his own because no one wanted to follow but that shows he was supporting the theme.

  25. perseverance because he keeps going even though he's in hell
