Tuesday, November 4, 2014


I will show you a clip of a presidential debate.  They use one very clear example of propaganda.  Which type do they use, and is this argument working for you?  Why/why not?  Who would this argument work for??


  1. Red Herring. It did not work for me because I personally want to know the answer and they did not answer the question. This argument would work for an uneducated person who do not understand the question or propaganda

  2. Red Herring. No it didn't work work for me because it was very confusing and made me forget the question and it also didn't answer my question. It may work for a criminal to get the attention off of them and possibly get them out of trouble.

  3. They used red herring. It did not work for me because it was a bunch of bull crap. They steered away from the question. This argument would work for people that have a very low IQ level.

  4. It is red herring propaganda. This argument is pointless to me. This argument would work for unintelligent people, or for people who do not pay attention or those who wish to bandwagon.

  5. One clear type of propaganda used was red herring - a misleading statement. The argument did not work for me because it did not tie into the question and was ridiculous This argument would work for someone not paying attention to the debate and only looking for "passion."

  6. Both of them don't really answer the question, they dance around it and use a totally different point to persuade people to their side. It did not work for me, for I wanted to hear what they had to say about the topic at hand, not go on a rant about something completely unrelated to it. It seemed like bullcrap to me. It is red herring, and the only person it would work for is a complete idiot who doesn't even know what they are talking about, or someone who didn't hear what the topic was.

  7. It was red herring propaganda. This use of propaganda is used to distract other people from the situation that is actually being talked about.

    1. Yes, this argument would work for people who didn't know what the original conversation was about.

  8. A red herring was used. It didn't work for me because they were talking about kids instead of guns and that's a big difference. This argument would work for people who didn't hear the question.

  9. The bandwagon they used was red herring. No there argument did not work for me, because they went completely off topic. This argument would work for a different topic.

  10. Red Herring, no its not working for me they completely dodged the question. this argument would work for stupid people because it is alot of BULL CRAP.

  11. Red herring. No, it doesn't answer the question, especially in this debate they steered far away from the question at hand. It might work for people who aren't paying close attention to what they are talking about...

  12. Red Herring. This argument did not work for me because it did not answer the question that was asked at all.
    This argument would work for someone who was trying to distract the audience from the question they were asked because the do not know the answer or they do not have a strong support for their opinion.

  13. Red herring. No he changes the subject and makes you forget what the main question even was. It would work for people who are maybe gulliable or easily influenced by common things. Or that loose concentration easily.

  14. Red herring, this argument doesn't work for me because they got off topic not answering the question. This would work for people who are uneducated.

  15. Red Herring, this argument did not work for me because they did not answer the question on the issue at hand. Instead they talked around the question to make themselves look good. this argument would work for people who did not know what the topic was talking about

  16. it was redherring. both dont answer the question. they just skip right over it. they use completely different topics to pursuade people. this didnt work for me at all. why not? because it was dumb, people wont listen to it because it is not even on the subject. it wouldnt work for anyone.

  17. Bandwagon? it danced around the topic but it was indirectly mentioned. It would not work for most people because they are not be straight forward, however the argument they do bring up is more relate-able to the public and sounds educated and confident.

  18. In the speech they use the Propaganda technique of Red Herring. Personally this technique does not work for me. I noticed that they purposefully derailed their comments. This didn't work for me but it might work for other politicians, or maybe someone who is not quite as educated.

  19. They used Red Herring propaganda to change the subject. This did not work for me because I new that they were not answering the question that was asked. This argument would work on people who have short attention spans and do not understand exactly what is going on in the situation.

  20. They used red herring. They did not answer the question that was asked to them, they changed the topic. The argument did not work for me because I caught on to how they went off topic. It could work to someone that was not paying attention to the question.

  21. Red Herring. Doesn't work for me. He isn't even answering the question

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. They use Red Herring. Going completely off topic confuses me and does not work. It would not work for anyone.

  24. The red herring type to change the topic. not relay cause he didn't answer the question which i think kinda makes me have less respect for the speaker than if he would off taken the topic head on. this would work for someone who lost and missed the question.

  25. The example used was Red Herring. It didn't work for me because if it was my question I would have wanted an answer. All they did was work around the question. This argument would work for someone who didn't honestly care about the question they asked or someone who didn't understand the type of propaganda.
