Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Compound sentences

Write a short paragraph about your day using at least three compound sentences with correct punctuation :)


  1. my day today was normal. i woke up, then got out of bed and took a shower. then i went downstairs and made myself breakfast, and ate it. after that, i went and got on the bus, then i got to school.

  2. I rode to the bus, and walked inside of school. I then went to drivers ed and I learned a lot about driving. When I ate lunch I had a sandwich, and it was delicious.

  3. Today, I woke up and went downstairs to eat breakfast. After breakfast, I went back upstairs to get ready. I rode the bus to school, and went to my first mod class. I went though my morning classes, ate lunch, then went to English class.

  4. I woke up this morning and I took a shower. After that I got on the bus and I went to school. I was hoping the day would end, for I was very tired. Now I am in Ms. Barnhart's class and I am writing a boring journal.

  5. I rode the bus to school; I don't mind because I listen to music. We practices the Wizard of Oz Meets the Wiz part 1, part 2, and part 3 in band. I am in English class right now, and I will get to go home soon.

  6. For breakfast I ate a protein bar, and it was good. I then got on the bus, for that is how I get to school in the mornings. After school I am going to lifting with Coach Haines to get swole, and Khai is too!

  7. One day i woke up waiting for the bus, and it finally arrived. I walked into school waiting for my test in math, and when i took it i felt good. In social studies we learned about Ronald Reagan and i heard a certain quote from him, "Trust, but verify." The day ended fast and i went home to sleep

  8. Today I woke up, got dressed, and brushed my teeth. Then, I ate my breakfast and went to school. Once I got to school I went to homeroom where I talked to my friends. After that, I walked to my first mod class and began taking notes.

  9. In the darkness of dawn i awoke this morning. I took care of the horses, and walked down to the bus. The deepness of the woods, dark on either side. As I arrived at school i become more alive, for all my friends were here, and now we could talk. I traveled through my day, and finally now at the end. I will go to the bus, and go on home.

  10. Today i woke up, and took a shower. Once i got into the bus i listened to music the whole way to school, and once i got to school i remembered that i forgot my protein bar. i then continued through 1st-4th mod, and now i am in 5th mod finishing up my day.

  11. I woke up and ate breakfast first. Then I got on the bus, but before that my mom stopped me to talk to me. She told me that I had to return the cat ears that my friend, Bekah, left at my party. When I got to school finally I went to sit where I sit everyday, for when I got there my friend, Alexis, was already there. Then later Ricky, Haylee and Andrew came to sit with us too; we talked until we had to go to class.

  12. Today has been a very mysterious day. First, I spent my first mod making my Halloween costume. If you're curious, I was making a costume of Olaf from Frozen. While I was in the process of making his eyes, I ended up accidentally burning myself very badly. I was jumping up and down in front of all of my classmates, but they had no idea what was going on. Regretfully, I may have said some words that are not appropriate for school, but I was so in pain that I did not even care. Eventually everyone laughed it off, but it made the rest of my day seem bland. After that mod, I just continued with my school day: going to french class, then orchestra, and then lunch. Before this class I had computer apps, which dragged on forever. Now I'm here writing this journal, and I'm looking forward to dance tonight.

  13. I had woke up, and i walked to my bus stop. The bus ride was very boring, but I manged to get through it. Now I am in English class, and I am extremely bored.

  14. I woke up this morning, and i took a shower. I packed my lunch, and then i walked down to the bus with my brother. I went to homeroom when i got there, and Ive been at school ever since

  15. This morning, I turned my alarm off and went back to bed. I got on the bus, went to school, and then went to English class. I will go home on the bus later, then I will go home and take a nap.

  16. Today I went to school in the morning at 7:30 and now I am in fifth mod, in English class. First I had AP U.S. History, then German, then Computer Apps and then Algebra. I received a quiz back from Algebra II, then we did some matrices problems, and finally we watch a video. I then had lunch at 12:45 until 1:10. I didn't really like my lunch because it's school lunch.

  17. Today I woke up at my house, got dressed, ate breakfast, and left for school. Me and my brother left for school later than usual, and had to speed down the highway to make it on time. I made it to my homeroom just in time. When the bell rang I went to my first mod, and took notes on sinusoidal functions.

  18. This morning i woke up, put my brace on, and got ready to go, then got on the bus. At school i hobbled around all day up and down stairs. After school i will be watching football practice and doing homework.

  19. This morning I almost missed the bus because I had to go back for my earbuds. I started painting my portrait in art class, but I didn't start my sketchbook assignment. At lunch I had to pull an orange out of someone's mouth because it got stuck, and I ate pizza.

  20. I was almost late for school this morning, due to the fact my stupid alarm didn't go off. I ended up having to get like a 5 minute shower. Thank the lord, i already had my outfit laid out. I left the house with my mom at 7:03. I live 20 minutes away. I got to school around 7:20 or 7:22. i was on time. The rest of my day went smooth.

  21. I woke up this morning, for I needed to go to school and learn. My day started out slow in first and second mod, but then it got better after I got to English. In English we learned about compound sentences, and started to wright a persuasive paper. I finished the paper with time left in class. This gave me time to finish my history homework.

  22. Today I walked to the car, then to the school, and then to my homeroom. After that I walked to my first mod, then to my second mod, then to third mod, and then to my fourth mod. Then I went to lunch, then to Mr Stoner room, and then to my fifth mod where I am now.

  23. I was supposed to get up today at 6, but instead I got up at 6:30. For breakfast I had a smoothie, and i also had some fruit. I managed to get to school on time, and I knew it was going to be a good day. :)

  24. My day started out with me almost being late for school, because I want to sleep in a few extra minutes. My first, third and fourth mod classes were easy, but my second mod class was difficult. For lunch I had a slice of pizza, and a good cup of chocolate pudding.

  25. Today I woke up so I could ride the bus to school. My friend gave me a dragon ear cuff this morning before homeroom, and during lunch we figured out how to put it on. Other than this, I had a fairly normal day.
