Wednesday, October 8, 2014


What's going to happen in Oedipus Rex today?  WHY???


  1. he is going to find out that he is married to his mom, and his life will fall apart

  2. he finds out who he is and he is exiled from the kingdom and becomes so depressed and angry with himself he kills himself.

    1. why because that's just how I think it is going to go and Barnhart keeps hinting at a horrible ending so its probs gunna end something like that.

  3. He is going to find out that he killed his father and married his mother.

  4. He is going to discover his beginnings and what his whole life is

  5. He is going to find out that he is married to his mother, and that the man he killed was his father. Everything will go downhill from there. His mother/wife will only be able to keep him from finding out for so long before she won't be able to keep it from him anymore.

  6. Oedipus will find out that he killed his real father laius and that he married his mother

  7. I think today Oedipus will find out that he actually killed his father and slept with his mother. After he realizes this, he will punish himself to save Thebes from the sickness that plagues it.

  8. He is going to realize that the prophecy has come to pass, get angry at his mother for trying to stop him from realizing the truth, and possibly kill his mother.

  9. Hes going to figure out that he actually killed his father and married his mom because servant that wasn't killed is going to confirm it for them.

  10. Oedipus Rex is going to find out who he really is and we will find out what he has done. The shepherd that is coming will tell him everything, but Oedipus won't like it.

  11. Oedipus is going to find out that he fullfilled, the prophecy he ran from. I also think Jocasta might die. For she said "I will never speak again!"

  12. I believe Oedipus is going to find out that his wife is his mom, and he will be disgusted an he will never see her again, also he will find out that he killed his father as well and will be exiled.

  13. He will find out that his wife is actually his mother and that he killed his father and the prophecy has come true. Because the audience and Jocasta already know this

  14. Oedipus is going to have his world fall apart even more and he might notice it this time. the shepherds going to clear every thing up. Oedipus is going to relize he cursed him self not knowing because he doesn't know who his parents are

  15. he is going to come to the conclusion that hes been doing the do with his mom and hes going to emotionally die... but probably not physically... and that he killed his father

  16. Oedipus will find out that he has killed his father, Laius, and that he in fact married his mother Jacosta. He will become privy of the information because the shepherd who rescued him from the forest will come back and tell him.

  17. Oedipus will discover that all along the prophecy he tried so hard to avoid has already come true. He will either be exiled or Jocasta will be because their marriage will end when the truth comes out. This will happen because we have already been hinted at how he did kill Lauis his father and that now he will find he had incest with Jocasta

  18. Oedipus is going to find out that he married his mom and his meaning of life is going to be extremely difficult and the Thebes people are going to find out that he's the murderer of his father Laius because Oedipus is not going to be silent until he knows who the murderer is; he's going to keep asking questions and eventually find the answers.

  19. He is going to discover that he married his mother. This is all happening because of King Lauis' death. He finds out more about what has been actually happening in his life.

  20. Oedipus is going to find out that he is actually the killer of king Lauis who is indeed his father. He is going to find this out because he is going to talk to the servant of king Lauis who found Oedipus in the woods, tied up as a child.

  21. Oedipus is going to find out that the prophecy he was told in the past is now coming true. This is going to happen because Oedipus is going to talk to the survivor

  22. Oedipus will find out he married his wife. He will leave her after being disgusted.

  23. He will find out that his wife is his mother and his life will be ruined forever

  24. He will confirm that the prophecy came true and everyone will be shocked and devastated and some people will probably die.

  25. Oedipus will find out that his wife is actually him mom, and i think that he could not handle the truth about his prophecy so he might kill himself.

  26. Oedipus will find out that his wife is his mom. His wife is going to kill herself also. He is going to stab his eyes out because he is disgusted with himself.
