Tuesday, October 7, 2014


We will view a slideshow.  When the slideshow is done, you will see your journal prompt.  Wait for it...........

wait for it......

While you're waiting, please get out your vocabulary homework & sentences.


  1. Almost everyone I know knows that I am a dancer. As a dancer, I try to push myself to the limit so my skills are sharper. One day, my teacher told me that because I worked really hard, I was allowed to challenge up a skill level. I was so surprised and happy I exploded. I could have never felt so accomplished!

  2. I had always wanted to get a kitten and I would go visit them every day at my grandpas. I begged my mom for one for many weeks. one day she said I could have one and my head exploded. I was so excited that I could finally have the cutest little fuzzball.

  3. I went to Hershey Park a few months ago with my family. We stayed until the night time. We went on the new roller coaster Sky Rush. It was so high that my ears popped from the altitude. That trip was so fun I am going to explode while waiting.

  4. Once upon a time I meant a girl named Tiffany. At first she seemed cold hearted and rude, but as I got to know her she seemed about what I described. Even though she was rude most of the time she did have her shining moments of being a fun person. Then she went back to being rude to the point I wanted to die. One day we will become best friends though...one day.

  5. When I went to New York with my old high school we visited many famous monuments, and even toured around. We took a walk through Central Park which is a hundred times smaller than what people think it actually is. After that we went to play our full orchestra in a tiny church. It was so tiny that we almost touched the ceiling! We then packed up, and left to go to the Rockefeller Plaza, which was uber big because it was built by a very rich man. Me and my friends went to the top of the plaza and the wind was so strong and cold I was almost blown off! After that we packed up and went back to Ohio.

  6. One magical day during English class, all the students were told they were allowed to bring in food the next day. The classroom was overflowing with candy, chips, pretzels, ice cream, and other snacks. There was enough food to feed the entire population of Australia. It was so shocking.

  7. One day I met this kid named Tyler. When I first met him he seemed like a nice kid. Then the years went on and he had begun to change. He was as stubborn as a mule and he can be so rude that I feel like I could punch him in the face. But he has his days and those days are what keeps me being friends with him. Like today he waited for me after fourth mod and walked to fifth mod with me. Through all of his rudeness I still continue to be friends with him. You're the best Tyler!!!

    1. Aw love you too bae. Still gunna be rude to you on most days! :)

  8. One day, I was in fifth mod, and I was dead tired! The class seemed to drag on for an eternity. I looked at the clock, and it said 2:00. I looked back to the board at the front of the room. My eyes felt like they had heavy weights on them, I could barely keep my eyes open. It was raining cats and dogs, so everyone in the class was tired. Time seemed to drag by, and finally the bell rang and I went to my bus. The bus ride seemed to take a year, but I finally got home. I went to my room, flopped down on the bed, and went into a deeper sleep than Sleeping Beauty.

  9. We were sitting in math class and the tv was buzzing. It was that electrical noise that you hear when the tv is done playing a dvd. We were just sitting there doing math problems quietly. The noise got so annoying and overwhelming that I thought my head was going to explode.

  10. One time my mom and dad told me that we were going to get a horse as a pet. I love horses so much! I was so excited i could have ran a whole marathon! Turns out we were getting a dog instead of a horse and i didn't even get to name the dog. I was so upset i could have cried a river. When we went to get the dog i was surprised how incredibly cute he was.But I still want a horse.

  11. It was a dark morning, probably around 6:25. As i walked down the driveway i turned around to see the soft lights of the house, deep in the night, before the woods on either side of our drive could deplete some of that light. My mother was walking beside me, getting ready to take the dog on a walk. She looked bone dead tired, but she went on. My brother's light was off, meaning he had gone back to bad, sick as a dog. I sat down at the end of our drive and waited for the bus. My mother stood beside me waiting to say goodbye. I looked around when a twig snapped, and heard a familiar sound, the bone-chilling sound of the fox. We heard her every night. But she was never this close. I stood fixed fear pronounced like death. Then i saw the eyes, her eyes staring at me from under the bush. She stood watching. i forgot where i was, i problably would have forgot my head if it wasn't attached. The bus came and she rann off. Bone-tired i got on and road off on the bus to somehwere.

  12. On the first day of school I walked into Mrs. Smiths history class and learned that we had a student teacher. With my experience in the past with student teachers i figured she would be a good teacher. Well that assumption was wrong. This student teacher was a horrible teacher, in that class i have learned NOTHING. She literally makes my ears bleed when she talks. I would rather jump off of a cliff than have to sit in her class because she knows very little about what she talks about. You could put 7 kids hyped up on sugar in her class and she would bore them to sleep with the way she talks. This teacher is literally the worst I have ever come in contact with.

  13. One day when i went snowboarding me and Zack Kiick were waiting for our friend Ryan. we decided to wait for him the the terrain park, we waited for over an hour and decided to go down the mountain. on my way down i decided to try out one of the small boxes in the park, i did not think much of it only since it was 1ft tall. then once i was on the box all of a sudden i slipped. it felt like i was a hockey puck on ice. i twisted sideways and fell off. the pain was worse that 1000 knives in my arm. i sat there for a while and decided to snowboard down to the bottom, once i got to the bottom zack insisted that i should go to the infirmary after talking with zack he convinced me to go. when they removed my coat on my arm i looked at my arm and said that's a weird looking sprain. when the arm was bent substantially sideways. my arm was bent worse than our laptops hinges last year. then i found out i broke my 2 bones in my arm. i was shocked more than telling a teen she is pregnant.

  14. yesterday in english class, we were supposed to be reading. so while some of us were reading, the other half of the class was talking so loud that you could hear them a mile away. so when we all got yelled at, we were givven homework for the night because we were so mis behaved. so when we got homework i was so mad i could explode. when i got on the bus, some girl took my seat, so when i asked her to move she got so mad that i thought she was about to kill me. when i got off the bus, i went inside and ate, the food was so bad that i could have thrown it away. then finally i went to get in bed and forgot about my english homework... so i decided to go to bed anyway. then i did it in homeroom the next morning

  15. Today, I took a terrible test. I didn't finish and the entire time I felt like I was going to throw up all of my insides. I was so nervous I started sweating puddles! Not only that, I was so tired that I could have slept for a week straight. Then, I blinked my eyes and the test was over. No more time left, and I was shaking in my seat. The test was over and the weight of the world had just been lifted off my shoulders. I breathed a mountainous sigh of relief and walked to my next class.

  16. One day at school I had so many tests I thought my I would die. They were the hardest tests I have ever taken in my life. It felt like they were all a thousand questions each. At the end of my school day I felt like I could fall on the ground. When I got home I then had to do a mountain of homework that included a huge poster, pages of math homework, and an essay that would never be long enough. When I finally fell asleep it was the best night of sleep I have ever had. The next day when I woke up I felt like I could win a war.

  17. The very beginning of basketball practice Coach Thurston says, "On the baseline" already I have that feeling that this isn't going to be a good practice. Drills after drills and transitions after transitions, suicides after suicides, i never thought practice was going to end that night. After the 38 transitions we did that night, and all the aches an pain I had, I felt like my legs were going to fall off.

  18. I once got in trouble at my out-patient program for "note passing" and "arguing with staff" and I got privledges taken away for it. I was so furious I was fuming. We weren't even passing notes and when we tried to explain the confusion, the staff person blew up at us for "arguing". They chewed us out for hours and we hadn't done anything wrong.

  19. One day a boy named Danny Boy, who was so pretty he made the sun look like a potato, went to a wrestling tournament. His opponents were as large as mountains but Danny Boy had some pretty jazzy and jive moves. Danny Boy snapped his opponents in half as he went through them as fast as a hot knife in butter. He became the champion and the women chased after him faster than an angry Jamaican (Usain Bolt). Danny Boy then became the president.

  20. One day dan was at a wrestling meet. Dan saw this one wrestler with such a big butt it was bigger than a hippopotimus. When he wrestled him he pounded him so hard into the ground that china had a tsunami. The tsunami was so large that the water went into space. To the international space stations suprize a wave of water surounded them and made such a big explosing that pluto turned warmer than a tropical island. When this happened all of the little plutonian midget people came out of their cozy warm caves and hung out at the beach for a while. They became angrier than a momma bear when the king of pluto was renting out all the beach balls for a gargantuine price. To stop his evil cruelty the plutonian people over threw him harder than the US overthrowing a government. now all the plutonians had their beach balls and were happier than a sleeping baby. But unfortunately their happiness ended when a meteor the size of the galaxy came soaring through space and disinigrated their faces off... but not really their just really dead.

  21. One day I woke up at my house for school. I was so tired that I fell off of my bed and hit my head on a big donkey. It was going to be a bad day. I walked into the bathroom, looked into the mirror, and I saw an orc. I looked like this every day though. When I arrived at school on the bus, I tripped coming off and cracked my face open. I then ran into school like greased lightning and went straight to the nurse. She told me I was fine, so I proceeded to go through the day. When I got to Ms. Barnhart's class, she was more angry than a gorilla that just lost his girlfriend. She assigned a million tons of homework and killed me with a grammar test. I then proceeded to walk home. On my way, I told a squirrel that his brain was as small as a pea. The squirrel then cursed at me. I then made an effort to run the rest of the way. It took me four million years until I had arrived. When I saw my house, there was a billion dollars sitting in my front yard. After that......
    I woke up.

  22. A year ago in the middle of January a group of friends took a trip to go skiing in up state PA. Jim woke up that saying "I am so energized I could run for days" to his mom as he eat his breakfast. He then called up Roger, Tim and Joe to make sure every one was ready to go. As they headed up the road Jim noticed the heating wasn't working in his car when Tim said "I'm colder than an ice pop". as they saw the price for gas Roger said that "fuel is going to cost us an arm and a leg". They had to stop though because the tank was bone dry. then they skied for the day and went home

  23. The worst day of my life started with the feeling of waking up to a train running over me. I woke up late already running by when my bus flew by the bus stop 20 minutes before scheduled. Only a couple of kids made the bus and we made it to school faster than the speed of light. At the beginning of 2nd period i was already feeling my self staying up late. I was so tired i felt as if i could just die. By lunch time I was so hungry i could kill a pack of T-Rex and eat them raw. When math class rolled around i was done with school. Every kid in my class believed that they knew everything about math, when in reality most of them were wrong. I finally got home eating a huge snack and started to work on my homework assignments weighing more than a school bus. I had various questions for my dad about my math, but he is always at work. When i finished i got a text from my cousin saying that we should be best friends for ever. Well lets just say the last time we talked i told her a million times to stop smiling but her smile was a mile wide and i could not stop her. I got so mad at her i decided to just trip her and run away. Later i had a baseball game and this is when things got bad. In one of the middle innings i was playing shortstop. The ball bounced of a rock and hit me like a airplane flying at its top speed. I was rushed to an oral surgeons office to get it put back in. After my two hour excursion, i finally got to go home and i decided to watch a television show before going to bed. As soon as i turned on my TV i saw a citi ad that said, "citi never sleeps" and directly after that a Disneyland commercial saying," Happiest place on earth." After i finally finished my tv episode i went to bed and slept for long time.

  24. Last week I had one of the best days anyone could ever have. I woke up with a smile on my face. First I woke up and went into the kitchen to see a 7 foot tall stack of pancakes on the table, and I ate them all. Then in like 2 seconds I got dressed and ready to hang out with my friends. At my friends house we watched about 70 movies. After we watched our movies we were so hungry that we could eat anything that was put in front of us. So we decided to get some ice cream. We ate all the ice cream they could get us. After that we it started to rain cats and dogs, so we just decided to go back to her house. Later we were so tired we could have fell asleep on the street.

  25. My dad in Malaysia summoned us to be with him in Malaysia. My parents and grandparents at first were so surprised that they discuss the pros and cons of the decision all day, everyday. I was as clueless like a cave man who doesn't know anything about what's going on the world. Throughout my journey to Malaysia; I got so thirsty I could drink 100 gallons of water. The one time at a car ride; it was so cold my shaking body caused the car to shake. Another time during my journey I rode on a boat and the boat engine was so loud that I felt as if my head would explode.

  26. I remember this day like it was exactly yesterday. It was so cold outside my fingertips were falling off. I went to go see a movie with my friend. My ears started bleeding, it was so loud in the theater. I left the theater to go get a snack. I was so hungry, i could devour a whale. The associate at the desk was talking very loudly. She was practically yelling as if I was deaf. She slammed down my pack of sour patch kids and chips down so hard that it shook the whole room. She gave me a dirty look. I threw my money at her and she stomped her foot so hard that it broke the ground beneath her feet. I ran back to the theater and sunk into my chair. I looked inside my chip bag and it was a bag of air. My head exploded! I was starving! There was nothing in the bag! I then proceeded to open my candy bag and found a billion little candies inside the bag! My taste buds started to dissolve, the candy was so good. As I was sitting there I started sweating bullets, my whole shirt was drenched with sweat. It felt like a sauna in the theater. As soon as the movie was over I went out to my car. It was raining cats and dogs outside. I got into my car and started crying my eyes out. That was a crazy time.

  27. Once Upon a time I had a bad day. It was worse than WWII. On the way to school I saw a guy who looked so cold. It was so cold out I swear I saw polar bears wearing coats. So I went over trying to help him, give him my coat. But he was drunk. His breath smelled worse than a cows butt, his teeth were yellower than corn, and he was dressed worse than my mother. But anyways, I wanted to give this rude man, so rude in fact that he was more rude than the devil. But I didn't just want to leave him, he was skinnier than a toothpick. I felt bad for the man and decided I would give him my coat, and then coldly, so coldly I thought my toes were going to fall off, back to the bus stop, right as the bus was coming by. As i get on the bus I notice that it is packed fuller than a can of sardines. My bus driver, which i hate, has a brain smaller than a pea and is older than the earth itself. He is the grouchiest man I have ever heard. My mom would kill me if she found out what I thought of him, for when he is near my parents he acts as sweet as cotton candy. My mom would marry him if she could! But he is meaner than the devil. I slowly just walk pass him and try to find a spot on this can of sardines of a bus. When I get to school I take a test in my first mod that was the easiest thing in the world! I was so excited on how easy it was I thought my skin was going to jump off of my body. My smile was a mile wide and filled with joy. This is a huge contrast to my second mod which was so boring I thought I was going to kill myself.
