Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Point of View

We are going to watch a short clip.  From your point of view, which one of these literary devices is most useful to writing?  Why???



  1. Allusion so you can learn from the past and your mistakes. also you can bring up past events in your writing. Allusion can help make your point clear and stand out

  2. I think that hyperbole is the most useful because we use it everyday multiple times a day because they can be funny or just trying to get a point across.

  3. Foreshadowing is the most useful literary device. It hints to the reader what is to come and it creates more of an interesting plot.

  4. Personification is the most important literary device because it brings life to literature and keeps it interesting.

  5. Hyperbole- exaggerations can help to get a point across without a comparison and are fun to use.

  6. I believe foreshadowing is the most useful type of literary device because it's used in all sorts of writing especially fictional stories so the author can create suspense and sustain that suspense by foreshadowing what's going to happen in the future which keeps the reader reading.

  7. The most useful Literary Device in my opinion is Hyperbole. I think so because it really emphasizes the point they are trying to make and adds that extra exaggeration that makes you stop and think and maybe even laugh.

  8. alliteration, it makes the story interesting.

  9. If you are writing a poem, a metaphor is your best friend. It gives you a description in a unlikely way, to help keep the interest up and flowing.

  10. Allusion: so people can make a reference to famous people to other things said in writing, and to help compare situations.

  11. In my opinion allusions are the most useful literary devices. An allusions allows the writer to include an event, person, or idea that many people are familiar with, making the story relevant to most people. It also allows for outside knowledge.

  12. I think that foreshadowing is very important because it keeps the reader interested and it keeps suspense in the book. The author hints at what is to come later in the book. So the reader can sort of guess what is going to happen.

  13. personification, it can either add a funny side to a story or describe an object in more detail and make it more interesting

  14. for a poem i would say exact rhyme because its pretty common for poems, but in other writings probably simile because i use it a lot, as apposed to some others

  15. In general Similes are probably the most useful literary device because you can express thought and attitudes through comparisons. Also if the something is unfamiliar it can be compared with a familiar object to give understanding.

  16. I think metaphor is important because it makes us think a lot deeper into the meaning of things. It takes reading off of the surface level and makes us dig a little deeper.

  17. Allusion is the most useful. Bringing up things that happened in the past can really help out the plot and make it more interesting.

  18. In general i think that alliteration and simile are used the most in all forms of writing. They both are commonly used in poetry but also stories, books, shows, movies, etc.

  19. Foreshadowing is the most useful because it gives clues to whats going to happen in the future.

  20. I think that a hyperbole is the most important literary device because it can be really funny while getting your point across

  21. I believe that the most useful literary device that authors use is foreshadowing. Foreshadowing is used in most all forms of literature, but it is really useful in the writing of books, stories, and other creative writing. Whenever the author foreshadows a certain event it is very important to the plot of a story, and when the reader notices it, it captivates them even more, drawing them in.

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  23. I would use foreshadowing if I were writing a story, especially a thriller. Foreshadowing is fun because if it's not obvious, when you get to the part that was hinted to, you have that "OH I SEE WHAT THEY DID THERE" moment. It's also fun when you already know what happens and somebody else doesn't and you're trying not to say "remember that, it'll be important later."

  24. I don't find any superior to others, but after reading Romeo and Juliet I have grown to like foreshadowing. I like looking back at the beginning after finishing to see the amount of foreshadowing.
