Monday, October 6, 2014


Summarize the play.  5-7 sentences.  Use at least one vocabulary word from Oedipus Rex in this response.


  1. Oedipus goes and talks to the oracle. The oracle is blind. Oedipus asks if the oracle knows who killed the previous King and the oracle goes on and on about how Oedipus was the one that actually killed the king. Then Oedipus gets very angry at the oracle and starts to say rude things to him and tells him to stop talking in riddles. Then Oedipus stomps away angry?

  2. There is a king named Oedipus Rex. Another king has been murdered someone else and is named Laius. There is also a town being destroyed by the plague. Oedipus prays to Apollo and asks him how he can help the town. Apollo says to stop the plague he must find the killer of King Laius. Oedipus calls for a prophet, Teiresias, to help him find the murderer.

  3. In the play Oedipus called in the prophet, who happens to be blind. Oedipus explains to him the situation, and the blind man refuses to help. Saying that Oedipus is the one to bring this disease on the land, he is the one who killed the old king, and lead to their demise. Oedipus gets mad at this and dismisses him. the blind man obliges but leaves his last chilling words imbedded into the mind.

  4. Oedipus summons Terisias, the blind prophet. He asks who killed the previous ruler of the land. Terisias refuses to tell him at first and Oedipus threatens him. They get into a heated argument. Terisias reveals that Oedipus killed Laos and his wife is also his mom. Oedipus is furious and Terisias leaves.

  5. Oedipus, the ruler of Thebes, is concerned with the state of his people, being brought upon with disease. The people and the priest prayed for their ruler to do something about it. Creon was sent to Apollo's shrine to find a way to restore Thebes, and upon returning said finding the murderer of the previous ruler will bring resolution to the city once again. Oedipus calls upon a prophet, who was a blind man. The prophet accuses Oedipus with being responsible for the horrible state of the city, which causes an argument between the two. Finally, Oedipus sends the prophet away out of rage.

    1. Vocab word: Pestilence was among the city and its people.

  6. There is a plague in Thebes to start the play out. Creon tells Oedipus they must find the previous king's murderer. Laius, the former king, was said to be murdered by robbers. Then Teiresias, a prophet, is summoned by Oedipus because he sees the truth. Then rumors are made that Oedipus killed Laius. Oedipus found this enigmatic.

  7. Oedipus asked the orical for info on the previous kings murder and the orical said that Oedipus had killed him and this angered him.

  8. There was a plague going on in his kingdom. So in order to find out what he had to do he went to see an oracle who told him that he would have to find the killer of the old king. The king was murdered by robbers and that is about all they knew. But Oedipus decided to look for him anyways, especially since the rumors have it that he was the one who killed the old king.

  9. There were many suppliants outside Oedipus' palace, and they were begging for the disease to be lifted that was affecting the plants and people. Creon revealed that this was because the former kind Laius was murdered and his killer was never found. Oedipus wants to find the killer. He sends for Teiresias because he is a prophet and can help to find the killer. Meanwhile, there are rumors going about that Oedipus is the killer, and Creon keeps telling him that.

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  11. in Oedipus Rex a plague is spread throughout the kingdom. people seek to find a cure and they ask Oedipus. Oedipus sends his messenger boy to Apollo because he does not know the cure. when the messenger boy returns his answer from Apollo was that he would tell them the cure when the people found out who killed the previous king. all they found out that a group of robbers killed him, and some people believe that Oedipus killed him to take the thrown. so they decide to send a man to Apollo that can read thoughts and he is going to try to read Apollos mind to find the killer and the cure to the plague.

  12. teresius was a blind man. oedipus was told by teresius that he thinks that oedipus killed now oedipus is mad at teresius for telling him this. this was all brought up when creon returned from apollos shrine and said that it would halp if they found out who killed the previous ruler.

  13. Oedipus is the king of Thebes and there is a plague going around. Oedipus is told that he is the only one that can save the town by finding out who killed Laius. Laius was the first king of Thebes. Oedipus calls Teiresias to give his wisdom and advice on finding the murderer. Teiresias kept talking in riddles and wouldn't help Oedipus.

  14. Oedipus summoned a blind dude. His name was Teiresias and he was blind. Teiresias was summoned because he could help find who killed. Teiresias refused to tell Oedipus anything and they fought for a while. Teiresias kept saying that Oedipus was the one who killed the previous king. Oedipus gets fed up and walks away.

  15. The blind old guy came to Oedipus. Oedipus asked the prophet if he knew anything about the murderer of the previous king. The old prophet then accused Oedipus of being the murderer of the previous king. Oedipus and the old prophet quarrels for a while. Then Oedipus gets really mad and then order that the old prophet be sent away.

  16. A disease is hurting the kingdom and the only way to stop it is to find the king's murder. They need to find the murder. The old prophet is sent for and asked for knowledge pertaining to the murder of the king. The prophet accuses Oedipus of King Laius's death. Oedipus denies

  17. The play continues with Oedipus asking to see Teiresis to see who was the killer. the prophet said it was Oedipus that killed the previous king. This ticked Oedipus off and he blames the prophet and his brother in law to over throw him and also accused him of treason. But the prophet wasn't punished because of his age and weak stait.

  18. In the section that we read the other day, Oedipus Rex and Teiresias were arguing about who killed the king. Teiresias was accusing Oedipus of killing the king. He banished Teiresias. Oedipus Rex got very angry.

  19. Theirs a plague killing people. Creon tells Oedipus that to stop the sickness, they must investigate the kings killer. Creon said that the former king, Laius was murdered by robbers. Oedipus decides to find the killer of the former king. Oedipus sends for Teiresias who is a prophet who sees the truth. Oedipus thinks since Teiresia's is a prophet that he can help find the killer of the former king. There is also a rumor going around that Oedipus is the killer of the king.

  20. Oedipus called for a blind guy named Teiresias who was very enigmatic. Teiresias was supposed to tell Oedipus the truth about who killed Laius. Oedipus and Teiresias got in a big argument. They got in an argument because Teiresias was saying that he thought Oedipus killed Laius. They were very insulting towards each other.

  21. Oedipus calls out the blind profit to figure out who killed the king. He later accuses the profit of killing the king. That is literally all I remember...sorry...

  22. Oedipus Rex is consulting with an old blind man who can see the future and other things regular people don't see. Oedipus Rex tries to get the blind man to tell him who killed the former king. Teiresias, the blind profit, tells Oedipus that he was the man who killed the former king. Oedipus was angered by the accusations that he was the murder of the king by Teiresias. In his anger he yells and fights with the blind man eventually dismissing him from Oedipus' castle.

  23. Oedipus' city is plagued by disease so he takes many attempts to wipe out the disease, such as sending his brother to go pray to Apollo and ask what we may do. Apollo answers that the murderer of the previous king must be brought to justice to get rid of the plague. Oedipus assembles and addresses the city on turning the criminal in, then he sends for Tierserious the blind prophet to ask him further about the problem. Teiresias somehow makes Oedipus angry, then he is sent away.

  24. Oedipus Rex ask the prophet for help. The prophet tells him he is the murderer of the former king. Oedipus gets angry and sends the prophet away

  25. Oedipus Rex is a tragedy about the King of Thebes named Oedipus. Thebes has a pestilence upon it and the people of the kingdom call out to their king for aid. Oedipus receives an oracle that he must avenge the death of the old King Laius to get rid of the pestilence. According to Creon, Oedipus's brother-in-law, the oracle told the demise of Laius by a group of robbers. Oedipus goes out to find the killer of Laius. In order to help the cause Oedipus calls for Teiresias, a prophet to aid in the search. Teiresias claims that Oedipus himself is the killer, but how could that be?

  26. A plague goes around the kingdom. In order to get the plague to go away, Oedipus must find the killer of the previous king and kill him or her. Oedipus asks the prophet to help him search for the killer. The prophet exclaims that he killed the king and Oedipus gets angry. While talking to Jacoste they discuss the occurrence of the death of Laius. Oedipus then starts to wonder if he killed Laius.

  27. Oedipus Rex is the king of Thebes. Theres a disease going around in the kingdom and for it to go away they need to find who killed the king. Oedipus sends the prophet to go search the killer. The prophet believes Oedipus is the killer andd accuses him and Oedipus gets mad! Oedipus then goes to Teiresias to talk about the how Laius was killed, then he starts to wonder if he was actually the killer.
