Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Wednesday October 1st

Summarize in at least 7 sentences what was read in the play yesterday. When you're done, close your computer.  You have ten minutes!

*if you were absent yesterday, your papers are in the absent folder.  Then grab a play from the stool and read to line 350 while they are doing this.


  1. Oedipus Rex is a king. He thinks very highly of himself. There is a town riddled with disease. Oedipus is asked to help the town get rid of the plague. Oedipus prays to Apollo for help. He must go to the Sphinx to answer a riddle. Oedipus is the only person who knows the answer to the riddle.

  2. the guy in the play is a big part of the community.he is the king of thebes. He is above everyone and that everyone looks up to him. someone comes to oedipus asking for help with a problem that everyone is having. oedipus agrees to help the guy and they have a long converstaion. oedipus was much needed for his powers all throuought the town. oedipus helped them to cure the plauge

  3. Oedipus Rex was a king. There was a disease spreading. The town in which he lived in was infected. The priest wanted Oedipus Rex to save the town from the disease. Creon is the brother-in-law of Oedipus Rex who is going to come heal them. Oedipus Rex knew that he was capable of saving them. He just told them to listen to his advice instead of pray.

  4. Oedipus is the King of Thebes. Suppliants beg him to save them from the disease and famine throughout the land. Oedipus' step-brother, Creon, goes to ask the gods for help. Apollo says the land is cursed because the previous king's murder was not avenged. Oedipus makes an announcement threatening anyone who knows who the killer is and doesn't come forward.

  5. The play was Oedipus Rex. It was about how a plague has come and decimated Oedipus' kingdom, and it how it is up to him to fix it. He sends his Brother Creon to visit the shrine of Apollo to question the divine of their plight. As he is doing this, Oedipus converses with the people thronged around his palace, inquiring them about their suffering and even telling them of his own. Creon returns, bringing with him the good news that the only way to get rid of the plague, it to kill the killer of the last king of the people. Oedipus then congregates the people to discus their situation, and asks the killer to come forward, so he may be cast out unharmed.

  6. The play that we read yesterday was about a king. His name is Oedipus Rex. He is the king of Thebes and very confident. The town was very ill and they called upon their king Oedipus for help. Oedipus asked his brother-in-law Creon to come and help heal them. The priest also wanted Oedipus and his brother Creon's help. They also prayed to Apollo and found out, through the orcal, that Oedipus is the only one who knows the answer to solve the riddle.

  7. So far in the play, the people of Thebes went to Oedipus and asked him for help against the disease that is killing their kin. Oedipus is mainly taking to the priest, and explains to his people that he sent his brother to Apollo. At that time his brother-in-law Creon returns home and retells the story to the people. The evil that is destroying their city is because of the unavenged murder of Laius their king before the king Oedipus overthrew. Oedipus receives the news and gives out the saying. Anyone who knows anything about the murders or helpers. Will be given a punishment, far worse than usual for Oedipus. Oedipus is given pointers and he readily takes them in stride. Determined to discover the truth behind the long risen lies.

  8. The play started out between Oedipus and the Priest. They talked about how people are dying. The people then listened and told Oedipus that they needed help. Oedipus then told them that he knew what they were going through and told them he had been through worse. The play then entered a chorus, in which the people prayed to the gods. The plague was killing everything. Oedipus told them if they listen that they will receive help.

  9. Oedipus went to a town. They people were begging for his help. Everyone had this awful disease that was killing everyone. Creon went to Apollo to see what could save the people. Apollo said that because Laius' killer wasn't found that the disease was everyone.

  10. There were people who were begging for oedipus to take away the diseases that were plagueing their town. Oedopis claims that he knows of the issues, and has sent his brother in law to Apollo to see what can be done. Creon returned saying that the reason behind the sickness is because Laius died, and his murderer wasn't found or convicted. So he has set a curse of some sort on the town. The only way to take away the disease is to solve a riddle, and the no one knows how to solve it.

  11. Oedipus Rex is a tragedy about King Oedipus of Thebes who must avenge the murder of the former King Laius. So far in the tragedy a chorus leader has cried out for help to King Oedipus to heal the lands of their pestilence. People are dying and the land is not fit for crops. Oedipus had been aware of the pestilence for a time and had sent his brother-in-law Creon to the Oracle of Delphi to see the cause. Creon returns with news that the former ruler King Laius must be avenged with the capture or killing of his murderer, for the land is cursed with his blood. Oedipus decrees that anyone having news of the murderer must come forth or be eternally punished. The play then goes off into a chorus line asking for the aid and praising the gods.

  12. Oedipus means swollen feet in latin and this was his name after his father tried to kill him by tying his feet and this caused them to swell. He became the king of thebes after the previous king was killed by bandits. The people of thebes began to get sick and die as a consequence of ignoring the death of the previous king. So Oedipus was called upon to solve their problem because he was so great. He sent his brother to find out what he must do which was investigate the murder.

  13. Odedipus is the king of thebes and is looked at like a god. a plague rises and kills many men women and children. he sent his messenger boy to go to Apollo and ask how to fix the disease and stop it for good. the messenger boy took a long time but eventually came back. his news from Apollo was just to get all the well people out of the town and let the sick people be, and hope for the virus to die off. so they decide to send the one man that can see the inner thoughts of people to Apollo and see if he can get the answer from his thoughts. but then they found out that the guy they wanted was lost and they are trying to find him.

  14. Oedipus is a king. A lot of people and animals were dying. There was a disease that was the cause of all the deaths. Oedipus was also known as Oedipus Rex. Oedipus was asked to help get rid of the disease. He prayed to Apollo for help. He is the only one who knows it.

  15. Oedipus Rex was the king of Thebes. He became ruler of this land after the previous king was killed while on a trip. The kingdom of Thebes was struck by a plague and the people came to ask Oedipus Rex for help. Oedipus sends his brother-in-law to talk to Apollo. Creon, Oedipus Rex's brother-in-law, comes back from Apollo and tells the people that to stop the plague they needed to find the person who killed the previous king. Oedipus declares he will find this person. He will do anything to find and punish the killer.

  16. In the play of Oedipus we learned that he is the king of Thebes. Everyone is getting sick and dying because of this plauge. So Oedipus sent his brother in-law Creon to talk to Apollo and find out why everyone is dying. Creon comes back with semi good news. He says that Apollo told him that this plauge is happening because the town ignored the death of their previous king. So now Oedipus is going to do everything he can to find out who killed their previous king. Figuring this out is the only way the pluage will be cured.

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Oedipus Rex was a king. His help was much needed from the town and the priest was begging for help. The town was ravage by disease and people were dying. Creon was Oedipus's brother in law who was sent to find answer of why this plague has come upon. So Creon journey to Apollo for answer . Apollo said the town was dying because some gang killed the previous king. Now Oedipus is in a quest for finding these killer.

  18. Oedipus is the king of Thebes but not by birth right. The previous king was killed while traveling in an other land by a band of robbers. At the time people, animals, and crops where all dieing of plague and the people of the went to him for help. The hole story is covered in a play which includes prayers. His brother in law has gone to the temple of Apollo and returned with advise but not a solution. During the play Oedipus makes a plea with the audience to turn in the killers of the previous king. While making this plea he also curses the person if they don't turn them self in.

  19. It opens with Oedipus talking to the crowd about the decay in the city and he asks why the priest was there. The the Priest talks about how bad the town is doing and we need to pray ad Oedipus, as their ruler, needs to do something about this and try to clean up the city. Oedipus understands what the peoples needs are and he tells them that he sent his Brother-in-law,Creon, out to the shrine of Apollo to get answers. Then Creon comes back from the shrine and tells the crowd his prophecy which pretty much said that Oedipus needs to find the person or persons that murdered their previous king. Then Oedipus gave a speech saying what he would do to the person or people once he finds them and then the priest tells the crowd to disperse and then everyone went on their way. Then at the very end it goes into a prayer that talks about the gods: Zeus, Athena and ares.

  20. In the beginning, Oedipus is talking with the priest about the horrible state of the city. The priest said that he prayed Oedipus would do something about it. After all, he is their ruler. Then, he says that he had sent his brother-in-law, Creon, to ask Apollo for answers for restoring the city. Creon comes back to say that Oedipus can heal the city if he finds whoever was responsible for the murder of the previous king. After his speech, the city went about with their days by instruction of the priest.

    1. Forgot to mention that Oedipus is also ruling without birth right.
