Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Tuesday 9/30

  • When you and your partner are completed with your story, please copy and paste it here.


  1. Pamela De Typhoon had a very successful job as a prestigious basic white girl. She goes to work every day with her Star bucks in one hand, and their “vintage” Iphone in the other. When she reaches her place of work, she contributes 99 selfies to her Instagram account before doing nothing all day. One day, a thought hits her as she listens to her goddess Britney Spears. “Oh my gosh, why can’t I be exactly like her, I can’t even right now.”
    She realized she can do just that, and heads to the plastic surgery clinic. She requests that she looks exactly to the very last detail like her idol Britney Spears. The procedure takes 48 days in total, and at the end of it, Pamela arises as a “new” Britney spears. She goes on to be her stunt double for everything, all the while earning 500,000 a year, but she can’t act or really be Spears.

    Mr. Collins never liked his job. He doesn’t even know what possessed him to become a teacher. He might have had a reason at the time of applying for college, but that reason was nowhere to be found. He has been teaching middle school science for 25 years. Middle-schoolers, in his opinion, are the most rowdy, irresponsible, and immature children in the universe. They didn’t pay attention in class, they were always on their phones, and they never turned their work in on time. In fact, he was lucky to get any homework from them at all. He has almost given up all hope of being happy with his job. The students file in for their last class of the day. They take their seats, but refuse to get quiet. Mr. Collins tries to shush them, but to no avail. He sits down on his desk and just waits. And waits. And waits. The students keep talking, but one of them notices that Mr. Collins is waiting for them to be quiet. He quickly shushes all of his classmates. Mr. Collins stands up and the class begins. They are 10 minutes into the class when the kids start to talk again. He turns around and asks them what is so important that it can’t wait until after class. A few of the students apologize, and they continue with the lesson. Mr. Collins hears talking again, so he turns around and faces the class. He makes a deal with them; if they stay quiet and work hard for the rest of class, they will not have any homework that night. They agree, and the lesson goes smoothly with minimal interruptions. The next day, Mr. Collins is happier that the lesson went so smoothly yesterday. He underestimated his students, for they could work very efficiently when they put their minds to it. The kids even noticed that Mr. Collins seemed a lot happier than usual. They liked that he didn’t yell at them as long as they did what they are told. Mr. Collins started to really enjoy going to work each day. He soon realized that he really did like his job, and that he wouldn’t trade it for the world.

  3. Michael Yannetti and Khai
    September 29, 2014

    Underage Drinker at a College Bar

    Patrick Henry is a 16 year old person who has always wanted to taste alcohol. During the World Cup, Patrick got his chance by going to a college bar to drink and enjoy the game with his older brother and friends. Patrick got a fake identification card so that he could order drinks at the college bar. Before Patrick could get a beer, some policemen came into the establishment to take a problem customer away for disturbing the peace. While in the bar, the police decided to check the proof of age of everybody in the bar because some of them looked too young. Patrick was scared that the policemen would arrest him.
    Patrick, being as scared as he was, decided to hide in the bathroom until the policemen left the bar. While Patrick was hiding, his brother and friends were having fun and watching the game. After an hour, the policemen left and Patrick came out of hiding. Patrick decided that to alleviate some of his stress he would drink a beer. The only problem was that he would have to use the fake I.D. for the first time.
    The bar tender that served Patrick was very nice but looked at his identification card so long that Patrick began to get nervous. He was so afraid of being caught that he almost threw up. After what felt like forever, the bartender gave Patrick his identification card back with his beer. Patrick was so relived, but excited to drink his first beer with his brother. He took one taste and thought he was going to throw up. It was the worst thing he had ever tasted and he couldn't believe that people drink something that tastes so bad all the time. Patrick decided he would never drink again.

  4. Gabi and Katie
    My best friend, Stacy, and I are going to our senior prom together. There weren’t enough teachers available to chaperone so some of the parents were asked to attend. Stacy’s Mom volunteered. It made sense that she would volunteer because she’s part of several associations all about the prevention of underage drinking, teen pregnancy, and drug use. At the beginning of prom, everything was normal and fine. Stacy’s mom was being very uptight and watching the students like a hawk. At one point, she seemed to have just disappeared. Half an hour later we noticed she was back, but she was acting very different. She was stumbling around, dancing, shouting, and acting drunk. Some other parents dragged her off the dance floor and took her home. Turns out Stacy’s mom had a drinking problem she had been hiding for years and she was having an affair with the assistant principal.

  5. A parent who is constantly worried about their teenager (who happens to be a straight A student with great morals)-
    Joey was invited by his best friend, Tommy to attend a party to study for the upcoming final exams. Tommy was going to have a couple friends over, they would study, eat pizza, and then everyone would spend the night. Joey goes to ask his very over protective parents if he can go over to his friend’s house and study for the tests and spend the night. The parents discuss the party in the other room they talk about the risks and weigh the pros and cons. Then, they decide that this might be a cover for him to go around town creating havoc. Joey’s parents decide not to let him go because they are constantly worried for Joey’s safety. Little do they know that Joey has great morals and is missing out on a great opportunity to study. Joey then stays home to study by himself, missing out on important discussions that were talked about at the party. These discussions would benefit him on the finals. His parents didn’t know that the party was perfectly safe and fun. He took the finals the next day, and when he got the results he ended up getting nothing above a C, yet his friends all aced them. His parents were very disappointed in Joey and are making him attend summer school.

  6. Mr. Alafro, a high school teacher decides to start a confession twitter about his life and what he thinks of teaching. He decides to write anonymous statements on his confession page about one of his students that he does not like named josh. One day the students of Mr. Alfaro’s class found his confession twitter and could easily tell that all of the rude posts were about Josh. Anywhere from, “man I am tired of my student smelling like a cow”, or “I wish that my student would just move away”. Now Josh being curious wanted to know about the site and the children told him about it, josh thought it was funny fictional writing. Even after josh found out the students didn’t tell him the posts were about him. These statements soon became class jokes, and the students and Mr. Alafro knew exactly who it was but josh did not. So these jokes went on for the entire year and into the summer and nobody ever told Josh who the jokes were about.
    - Michael Tempel/John Baddick

  7. Irony Writing- 4’10” man marries 6’4” woman
    Kayla Hosterman, and Kirsten Harte

    At the wedding reception that night Shaw Tee and Gia Ant were sitting at the head table, on either side of them sat their parents. As a just married couple they decided to give a little speech. As the audience took in the couple some chuckled nervously, taking in Gia’s 6 foot 4 inch frame tower over her husbands much smaller 4 foot 10 inch height. “My mom means so much to me,” she says, Gia laughed, thinking back over her life. “I take so much from her”, she continued. My smile, my personality, and my heart.” Gia turned to the side and smiled at her mother. Who was mopping her eyes with a cloth, her chest heaving with repressed sobs. Gia turned around to sit continue her speech when her mother hopped up and ran to hug Gia, loud sobs ripping their way from her throat. Gia smiled and wrapped her arms around her mother, leaning down to maintain her mothers height. After a while Gia slowly unraveled herself from her mom’s death grip and turned back to her husband. He smiled a private smile, on meant for her, and leaned up to grab her hand. The party continued in fashion, and many a guest said “good luck” and “congratulations” to the happy couple. And when the last song ended, Gia stood up and thanked the crowd, walked down the aisle and into the back room. She changed into something much more comfortable, and went out front to greet her new husband. Shaw Tee was standing out front hugging his parents. When they saw her they pulled away and folded her into their arms. Shaw Tee’s father leaned back eye to eye with Gia, and whispered “Now take care of my son, you are a strong, brave young woman, I think you will do well.” “be careful, and be safe.” As he turned to walk away, Gia’s mother walked over, her 4’9” frame weaving its way slowly through the crowd. As everyone gathered, Gia felt the tears want to fall, she looked at her tiny, delicate mother, and Shaw’s tall, stern father. And thought to herself, “well we may be reversed, but I guess we got that from mom and dad.”

  8. Haylee Abruzzi & Tyler Horan- Teachers create a "confession" Twitter page
    One day Ms. Barnhart got a little bored and she decided to go on twitter. In her twitter feed she saw the PA Confessions page. That’s when she got an idea. Her brilliant idea was to make her own confession page, but have it be about teachers instead. She put some confessions up and then went and followed students and other teachers so that she could gain followers. The first few days were a little slow but word was finally started to spread and the confessions and followers started to roll in. By the end of the week that’s all the students could talk about. In class Ms. Barnhart heard all about it and she silently sat back and smiled, her plan had worked. She was so happy that her twitter page was successful and that no one knew it was her. But with the fame came questions, who was running this page? Who was submitting the confessions? Mr. Blanchard was enraged at the twitter page because of all the dirt that was coming out about the teachers. Teachers were being fired left and right and no one could stop it. Soon Mr. Blanchard was on a goose hunt for who was behind the page, the first person he questioned was Ms. Barnhart. But she led on that she had only heard about the confessions in class and Mr. Blanchard believed her. Now Ms. Barnhart really got away with making the confessions page and only she knew about it.

  9. Andrew Coale & Mikey Scot
    Low self-esteem boy
    Tim has liked Jane ever since 6th grade but has never had the guts to ask her out on a date. Now as seniors Tim plays football and Jane comes to practices to watch the boys play. Tim thinks Jane likes his best friend Bob the quarterback. Jane is talking to some of her friends later on and they ask her who she wants to ask her to Homecoming. Jane says she’d like to go with Tim all her friends are kind of shocked because thou Jane tries to talk to him he always walks away nervously and tries to avoid her. The next day Jane starts to hang out with Bob and Tim but Tim wouldn't talk to Jane and decided not to go to homecoming. Tim ended up staying home watching TV by himself. Jane goes to the dance and looks for Tim but doesn't find him.

  10. Sally is an 18 year old senior that attends Gettysburg Area High School. She has gotten straight A’s all throughout her high school career. She never goes out to parties and she has very high morals. Sally doesn’t believe in drinking, drugs, or sex before marriage. She is a part of the volleyball team and an active member in her church community. Although she is a great student and person, her parents are constantly worrying about her. They are unaware that she spends all of her time outside of school at practice and church. Her parents feel that Sally is lying about where she is at all the time. Similar to other parents, Sally’s mom and dad work very hard and long hours as well as having to attend many business trips. Making them unaware of their daughter’s success in school with her good grades.
    Sally has a big volleyball tournament this weekend, but her parents are both going to be away on a business trip. They think that Sally will get herself in trouble so they have decided to ask Sally’s grandma to stay with her even though Sally has never done anything bad while they are gone.


  11. Amanda Martin & Taylor Howery
    Friday a nurse named Tina turned 70 and planned to have a day off of work to enjoy dinner with her fellow coworkers at TGI Fridays. That day Tina went to the mall to by herself a brand new outfit for dinner that night. After buying her new outfit she had scheduled a hair appointment to get her hair done. Tina then went home to get dressed and ready to go. Little does she know instead of going to dinner her coworkers and boss have a surprise birthday party for her at work. Tina’s boss calls her an hour before dinner saying he needs her to come into work. Tina is very upset but she agrees to go into work like he asked. She got undressed and changed into her work clothes. Before getting to work she stopped at the gas station and filled up her tank. When she arrived at work Tina was greeted by everyone telling her happy birthday. Still pretty upset she got right to work doing her normal duties. While in the lounge room her coworkers were setting up for her surprise. Setting up all the decorations and all Tina’s favorite snacks. While working one of Tina’s friends tells her to come quick because they need her for something. Tina’s friend guides her to the lounge and to her surprise there’s a birthday party for her 70th birthday. Tina was so surprised she started to cry and tell her coworkers how thankful she is for the birthday party. After all her birthday turned out pretty great.

  12. Aaron Stoner, Alec Pratt, Dan Ziegler
    29 September 2014
    Ironic Writing Piece
    “A 4’10 man marries a 6’4 woman.”
    Just the Right Size
    A man named Morgan leaves for Vegas with a group of acquaintances for his bachelor party. Morgan is a very loyal individual who loves his fiancĂ©, Tiffany, and wants to be very careful on this trip. Morgan is a 36-year-old, 4’10 man, with a big ego.
    One evening in Vegas, Morgan and some of his buddies went to the club to turn up. Morgan and the squad got severely intoxicated and meandered the streets. They finally found a club that would admit them. This club was called “Midnight Monstrosities.” It is a club for extremely giant women. Morgan decided that he needed to buy everybody in the club a round of shots. His friends decided that everybody was getting tipsy. Morgan had no idea of his ambiances. A woman got very friendly with Morgan and they “hit it off.”
    Later that night, Morgan and Hannah Banana, being highly intoxicated, went to an economy wedding venue to get married. Hannah Banana stood over a foot taller than him at 6’4”.
    They both had no idea of their surrounding environments. When they were told to give their vows, Morgan said “I am glad I finally found a woman just my size.”
