Friday, September 12, 2014

Monday 9/15

Are there any god or goddess that you are curious about that we did not touch on in this unit?  If not, is there a power that you would be interested in researching?  What is it?


  1. There are two gods that I would have liked to learn more about and those two would be Pan and Janus. I want to learn more because they are both my favorite along with have very good morals and are good myth's to learn. They also relate to alot of the other gods and goddesses.

  2. I think it would be very cool to learn about a god that reads minds. Would he be able to choose who he listens to, or is he cursed to hear everyone's thoughts forever?

  3. I don't know of many gods so I wouldn't know where to start on gods we haven't researched. and maybe research the power of the winds

  4. I would like to learn more about Hercules. I would also like to learn about a god that ruled all animals. Is it possible for a god to rule all animals, and what each of them do?

  5. I would have liked to maybe learn about Nemesis. The goddess of revenge and balance.

  6. I would love to learn more about Pan, the God that watched over the worlds forest. Also, I would have loved to learn about all the battles the the gods had with each other and the titans.

  7. i think it would be cool to learn about atlas. because he carries the sky on his shoulders, so that seems like it would be cool to learn about.

  8. I was wondering if there was a god or goddess of dream and if they use that power to the well being of other such as mortals/humans and heroes.

  9. I would like to learn about Nike. Nike is the Greek God of Victory. I also think it would be cool to research the power of wishing, like a genie.

  10. The only other god I would want to learn about would be Hercules. Only because hes a pretty famous one that I hear about often. He also seems to tie into a lot of the other myths that we read.

  11. I would have liked to learn about the god or goddess of cities or temples.

  12. I am curious in learning about the god pan. Also i would like to know if any god had the ability to destroy the earth.

  13. I would've enjoyed touching on The Odyssey and The Iliad. I'm actually curious if Hades ever had a child and who they were.

  14. I wish we could have learned about the labyrinth and the minotaur that lives in it. It is one of my favorite myths and I find it very interesting.

  15. i would like to research the power of seeing the future, it would be cool to see what is coming before it happens.

  16. I like the power to control the water like Poseidon does and I wonder who else rules the ocean/water with him

  17. I would like to learn a little more about Hercules. I also would like to see if there is a specific god who keeps track of the humans.

  18. A god that I think we should have learned about is Thoth. He is the god of Knowledge, Heiroglyphs, and wisdom. He is described as having the body of a man, and the head of an ibis or baboon. It is a picture that I am sure many people have seen not knowing who or what it was. He is also seen as being alike to Hermes. Just google it, it's very interesting.

  19. I don't really know the names of gods or goddesses so i was wandering if there's a god of sleep and a god of dreams

  20. I think that it would be interesting if we learned about a god or goddess that was invisible. It would be neat to learn whether or not this god/goddess would use their powers for good or for evil, considering that no one would be able to find out about them, considering the fact that he/she is anonymous.

  21. Not a god, but I would like to learn about Cronos and Oranos.

  22. I would have liked to learn more about Oranos the first god. I would like to know exactly what he did and if he was the first god how did he have children.

  23. Something that i would be interested in learning more about would be a god or goddess who is the controller of sleep. There could be a cool myth behind how they gained this power and ways that they can use it; aside from putting people to bed at nighttime. Plus, i would be intrigued to know how this god or goddess's schedule works since there are many different time zones; and if this god or goddess ever slept them self.

  24. I think it would be cool to know about a God or Goddess that could controlled the thoughts and actions of others.

  25. I would like to learn more about Typhon even though he was a Titan. He is interesting because he was the largest threat to the Olympians and is known as the largest monster.
