Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Art. Week

Please view the following topic sentence and answer the following questions with numbers:

·            There is a debate about Ebola and if it is a good decision to bring the Americans into the country.

1. Is this answering the prompt question from last week?  Why or why not?

2.  What is wrong with this sentence, and how can it be fixed?

We are much safer  in America than they are in Africa because Ebola is not spread as easily here. 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. No it doesn't answer anything it simple says the question again but with different words. they could elaborate on why its safer and how it is not spread easily in America, like give a more reason why withh more depth.

  3. no it isnt. its just restating it. it is the oposite, it is spread just as easily anywhere. you change it is not as easily spread here to it is just as easily spread here.

  4. 1.This does not answer the prompt because it doesn't pick a side of whether or not bringing the Ebola patients back to the US was a good decision.
    2. America is safer from Ebola than Africa because it is not as easily spread.

  5. No, its not answering the prompt because the prompt was about if it was a good decision or not to bring the Ebola patients to America. The word much should not be before safer. The sentence should be fixed by removing much from the sentence.

  6. This is not answering the prompt from last week. It is not answering the prompt because it doesn't give the opinion of the writer, it just says that there is a debate going on.

    What is wrong with the sentence is it doesn't answer the prompt. It can be fixed by backspacing before the word phrase "in America." Also by stating the actual group of people that are being written about instead of writing "they"

  7. No, it is only restating the question without answering it.
    A fix could be "We are much safer in America than they are in Africa because Ebola is not spread through the air, only fluids." ...?

  8. 1. Yes it does, because the first sentence says, "Officials made the right decision when they brought two Ebola infected Americans to Atlanta for treatment."

    2. It should say "we" instead of "they"

  9. No it does not answer the question because the author hasn't chosen side. 2. The sentence is not fully explaining why we can't get Ebola here. What it doesn't say, is that due to cultural differences between Africa and the U.S. especially when dealing with the sick, Ebola is not as easily spread.

  10. No it does not answer the prompt, but it restates the prompt without answering it. The second sentence can be fixed by writing "We are much safer in America than in Africa because we can prevent the spread of Ebola and Africa can not.

  11. 1.) I would say that this answer does not answer the prompt, but rather restates the prompt: there is no specific opinion shown by the author.
    2.) The word "we" includes both the author and the reader, suggesting that second person is used in the sentence.

  12. No, it was simply rewording the prompt. The second sentence could be changed by not using the word "we" , "here" , or "they". Instead saying: Americans are much safer than Africans because Ebola is not spread as easily in the United States.

  13. No, because it only restates the question and it does not state its position. People in America are safer than people in Africa from Ebola since it does not spread as easily in America.

  14. No, it is not. It is simply telling the reader what the prompt is and what the paper will be about. It should say whether or not it was a good idea to bring the Ebola victims back to America. The sentence below is wrong because it uses "we". It should not include any kind of first person techniques. It should be more of a third person point of view.

  15. No its not answering the prompt because its not providing an opinion whether or not its a good decision. The sentence could be fixed if the wording was different it could say "Americans are much safer than Africans because Ebola does not spread as easily here."

  16. The essay does answer the prompt. add a semicolon/period after Africa and remove the word because.

  17. It is not, the prompt asks the reader's opinion on whether it was a good decision or not to allow them into the country, and the topic sentence above does not answer the prompt.
    The sentence has improper grammar (too many spaces) and it uses second person. In order to fix it, the sentence should take out the words "we" and "they" instead put "Americans are much safer in America than the two Ebola infected citizens are in Africa because Ebola is not spread as easily in the United States." The sentence can not contain first or second person.
    -Danny Ziegler

  18. This does not answer the prompt but only restates the question without answering it. "We are safer in America than in Africa because Ebola does not spread as easily here."

  19. The sentence located at the top does not answer the prompt from the past article of the week because it does not choose a side or express an opinion on the subject. The sentence is a basic restatement of the prompt. The bottom sentence is incorrect due to the generalization of we and they. The author should explain who these "we and they" are.

  20. 1: yes it does, the article of the week last week shared whether we should bring back the Americans infected with Ebola.
    2: there should be no "we" also there is a double space between "safer" and "in".

  21. 1.This does not answer the prompt, it simply restates it in new words, chosen by the author.
    2. A good way to fix this would be to go into more detail or add a separating puncuation.

  22. 1. This does not answer the prompt from the past article of the week. It just restates it.
    2. The sentence should not use second person, no "we" or "they".

  23. 1:No it answers nothing it just dances around the prompt.
    2: The sentence is written in the wrong point of veiw
    People in america are less likely to be infected with Ebola than in Africa because the virus isnt spread as easly.
