Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Persephone vs. Hades

You are friends with Persephone and Hades.  They are in love and get married.  Unfortunately, Hades can't get over his rage, and they go through a divorce.  Persephone is trying to rule the underworld, and they aren't speaking to each other.  You must pick a friend.  Who do you pick, and why?


  1. I pick hades because he already had a tough life. He did not get to choose what he got to rule, he has no one to love, it's lonely in the underworld and he is always around dead people that can't keep him company. That's why I would choose Hades because he is stronger and more godly as well as he has no friends so I being his only one should stick by him.

  2. I choose Persephone. Partly because she had my favorite story so far, and also because Hades is can be rude and evil.

  3. i pick hades because i think id be afraid of him

  4. I would pick hades. I choose him because he rules the under world so if I am his friend I might be treated right when I get there. Also I would rather be friends with a god with a good power like Ruler of the Underworld instead of being the goddess of flowers.

  5. Hades, because he ruled the underworld before persephone came in

  6. I would pick Persephone because I could make her my wife. She sounds like a very nice girl, and I would feel more safe with her.
    -Danny Ziegler

  7. I would pick Hades: sure, Persephone was kidnapped by him, but she then decided to fall in love and marry him. Also, she wanted to rule the Underworld even though it rightfully belonged to Hades, which I see as selfish. She needs to know that she can't always have her way.

  8. Persephone, because she was originally held there against her will so now that they are fighting over who should get it she should as reward for her troubles.

  9. I pick Hades because he already ruled the underworld before Persephone and it would only be fair for him to continue ruling it after Persephone left. Plus Hades is rude and the underworld fits his personality

  10. i pick hades because he has more power over people he lives around, so he can get what he wants and if you were on his good side that would benifit you.

  11. I choose Hades because i feel like he would be a better ruler of the underworld. He was the original ruler so he has a better understanding of how things are supposed to work and what's supposed to happen. Persephone didn't even want to be there originally so she would not be a good ruler for the entire underworld

  12. I would pick Hades because he ruled the underworld first and it should stay that way also he is more tough and strict.

  13. i would pick Hades. i chose Hades because i feel bad for him because he got stuck with the underworld, and if i knew both i think Hades would destroy me if i picked Persephone.

  14. I would pick Hades because he is the original ruler, and if Persephone would happen to become ruler I feel like she would complicate and ruin everything.

  15. I would choose Hades, because he originally had power and ruled the underworld. I understand why Hades would be upset. Persephone should just stop trying to rule the underworld. She should just deal with the fact that it will never happen. Hades is very powerful and i think that he should be allowed to be angry.

  16. As a friend to both of them, I would have to choose Hades. In this case Hades has no one else to turn to other than me. I think that he would be happier off knowing that I was on his side. But also, I have to take in the fact that it is his godly right to rule the underworld. It is all he has. Plus I think that Persephone would be happier up in the daylight.

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. I would choose Hades. I don't really care about marriage because Hades is the god of death so a marriage with Persephone wouldn't have worked out anyway. I would keep him in charge because it's his realm, and he knows how to control it. A nature goddess couldn't rule hell anyways.

  19. I would pick Hades because I would rather have Persephone as an enemy.

  20. I'd prefer to pick neither one because I don't like conflict and somebody is going to be mad at me if I pick a side. I'd just refuse to have anything to do with their relationship.

  21. I pick Persephone because it's Hades's fault that they divorce by not being able to control his anger and that Hades is the one who bought Persephone who didn't want to be in Tartarus.

  22. I would choose Hades because he deserves to rule the underworld. He doesn't have anyone, since him and Persephone broke up. I would want to help him keep Persephone from being ruler of the Underworld. She is already the ruler of the flowers, so why should she be ruler of the Underworld?

  23. The god I would choose to befriend would be Hades. I would befriend him because he is the god of the underworld and being so, strikes fear into many, causing him not to have many friends. His and my companionship could cause him to have a new perspective on the world and calm his rage. Also Persephone has no right to rule the underworld. She is a poser.

  24. I would choose Hades because he was the ruler of the underworld before Persephone was even born making it his before they got married. Hades was also always meant to rule the underworld and is very good at it. Another reason I would choose Hades is that he would be a better friend than Persephone because Persephone is selfish and only thinks of herself and flowers, but when Hades cares about somebody he gets them gifts and tries to be nice to them.

  25. I choose Hades. Hades was originally the god of the underworld meaning it should remain his.
