Wednesday, September 10, 2014


Why do we still study myths? 


  1. to get an insight into the reasoning and society of ancient society as well as to learn morals and lessons from entertaining stories

  2. We still study myths because we can better understand the culture of the people in the past, and also because the myths contain literary devices we can use in English class.

  3. we still study myths to learn about other civilization's culture

  4. We still study myths because they teach us important lessons about our history and help us to understand our future.

  5. we still study myths because they teach us lessons that the Greeks lived by in the past and to look into their culture and what they believed in.

  6. We study myths so we can understand what people in the old lives believed created the world. What explains things.

  7. We study myths because they are the foundation to some religions.

  8. We still study myths to gain insight of past cultures and learn literary devices to apply in our English course.

  9. myths contain many devices used in literature today. We still use them as a kind of reference or example of certain characteristics of literature.

  10. Because it teach moral lessons and a lot of things are named after the gods.

  11. we study myths to learn how the Greeks thought the world was created, and why things are today. also to explain how some animals were created.

  12. because it helps us understand modern superstitions and beliefs

  13. We still study myths because they have their roots in our English language as well as they explain things like how the earth was created, history events and natural phenomenon.

  14. We still study myths because it is important not to forget history. It also gives us lessons that are applicable to today's society

  15. We still study myths because it better helps us understand certain things that happen in our life. Most of the myths explain different lessons in life

  16. We study myths for a number of reasons. One of the many reasons why is because to study how the ancients explained their natural world, and how to instill morality in the citizens of that religion. Another reason is to study how these myths influenced other cultures, and even how some myths merged to create new ones.

  17. Schools continue to teach mythology because the morals and lessons found within myths are still applicable to this day. Students also learn mythology because it has had a large influence on present day literature.

  18. We study myths to learn about what the people of this time were doing and what was happening in society also what natural events were happening storms, blizzards, drought, seasons, etc.

  19. We study myths so that we can understand culture of Greeks and why they believe in what they believe in

  20. We study myths so we can learn lessons, learn how and why things were formed and explain natural phenomenons.

  21. so we can learn from them and see what they used to believe, and how they used to think.

  22. It helps us understand culture and teaches and explains why certain things are in existence. Greek Mythology teaches us of why certain things happen and how they are created

  23. We study myths because it's literature and part of human history. They contain elements of literature such as allusion and we can learn from them.

  24. We still study myths because it helps us understand the history of cultures. It is also the base of some origins.

  25. We still study myths today to have a better understanding how what happened in past, and how the world and things were created.

  26. We still study myths because they explain a unique way of life and why things are the way they are.

  27. We still study myths today because of there historical value. They teach us about where we got some of today's literature and technology.
