Monday, September 29, 2014

Best Project

Favorite project so far & why-


  1. My favorite project is the God research thing. I liked that because it is the only project I could remember

  2. Jason's presentation on Jason and the Argonauts; it was a cool story and the pictures/layout was very good.

  3. I liked the fakebook profiles. Some of them were very creative, and it is a perfect way to combine modern technology with greek mythology.

  4. my favorite project is the god research one.i liked it because it was the easiest to do i think.

  5. I liked Kayla's presentation because the goddess was interesting.

  6. I liked Joanna's presentation about Rhea the best so far: I like the idea of making a fakebook instead of another prezi and actually learned quite a bit from her presentation.

  7. Joanna was my favorite because she made it really funny

  8. Mine. Cause im self-centered! and seriously though I really liked Becca because it looked like a horse and was nifty.

  9. I liked Kirsten Harte's presentation the best because of the pictures and the interesting information that I didn't know

  10. I liked Joanna's presentation about Rhea, because it was neat to see her posts on the "Fakebook" thing. Rhea was an interesting Goddess to learn about.

  11. My favorite was Shelby's presentation because she explained everything very well, her story was interesting. I also liked the video she had.

  12. My favorite presentation of a project so far was Tyler's presentation on Pan. It was my favorite by far because of the awesome Pan Flute solo.

  13. Jason because his god had the same name and was very successful. His transitions and pictures were very well put together and informative.

  14. My favorite presentation so far has been Kirsten Harte's phoenix. I didn't know a lot about the details and story behind the mythical bird and its a really cool creature.

  15. My favorite project was my own. I actually put time and effort into it, plus I learned more than I knew about the heroes I chose. I also stressed a lot about my information.

  16. My favorite project so far was Tyler's and Shelby's. Both of them knew all of their information very well and it was presented nicely.

  17. Out of all the projects we have seen so far I liked was Joanna's, i liked the fact that she did something different, and you can tell she put time in effort into creating it.

  18. The best presentation so far was by Tyler Horan. He was the only one who kept me interested the whole time.

  19. Joanna. She was very informative and she had an interesting Goddess

  20. Joanna's was the best because i liked the fakebook idea and it was better than mine.

  21. I really liked Tyler's project on pan because i didn't know much about pan and that it was well put together and presented.

  22. I liked Tyler's because he's awesome and learning about Pan was cool. I also liked Joanna's because it made me laugh and it was really creative; especially the posts.

  23. my favorite was tylers, his was interesting

  24. My favorite was Gabi's. It was drawn nicely. So pretty :D

  25. My favorite presentation so far was Tyler's because he was funny when he presented.

  26. My favorite presentation was Tyler's because it was very entertaining and Tyler is the man! #TeamTyler

  27. Katie's presentation on Tantalus because it was interesting and tantalize is a fun word.
