Thursday, September 4, 2014


Choose either Artemis or Apollo.  Summarize the myth in 4-6 sentences.


  1. Apollo-
    In the myth of Apollo, he is considered the best looking of all the gods. Apollo gets a bow and decides to hunt a python that killed his mother. Apollo ends up hurting and eventually killing the python. Apollo then challenges Marsyas to a contest where the winner decides the punishment. In the contest, they both had to play instruments. Apollo wins the contest and kills Marsyas. This myth shows how gods and goddesses react with humans.
    -Danny Ziegler

  2. Artemis was born twins with Apollo, both were born with beauty which was Zeus's favorite quality. Artemis glowed silver and Apollo glowed gold. He brought them to Olympus to give them gifts. Artemis asked for silver arrows and for many other gifts. She gets dogs from Pan and arrows from the Cyclops. she gets jealous of Calistro's beauty and turns her into a bear, zues aware of the situation turns Calistro into a constellation to save her from Atremis's hunting dogs

  3. I choose Artemis. She was born with her twin named Apollo. Zeus asked what she wanted when she was really young I think age three. She said she wanted a pack of dogs, to go by many names, a silver bow and some other things. Then it went and described how she got each of her things and that's how the myth of Artemis went.

  4. The myth of Artemis is the story of one of the two twins of Zeus. She is the goddess of the moon, who was loved dearly by Zeus for her beauty. After being saved from a python and living on an island with her brother Apollo, she was brought up to Olypmus. There, Zeus asked her what she wanted for gifts, and she replied that she wanted dogs, a silver bow, a group of nymphs, and a single city (she didn't like cities.) As she was bathing in a river, a man was watching her, and when she noticed she turned him into a deer and sent her dogs to kill him (this brought her vow to not fall in love with men).

  5. In the myth of Artemis, a young Leto has twins to the god Zeus. The twins were born to be gods so Zeus decided to give them a gift of power. Apollo chose the sun, and had a bow made out of gold. While Artemis whom Zeus favored over Apollo got everything for which she wished. She wished for, the best hunting dogs in the land, One city, many names, a silver bow, and a group of people to follow her. She got every one of these granted and more. Artemis is known as the goddess of the moon and the hunt.

  6. apollo

    apollo is my favorite myth because of how he hunts down and kills the python that killed his mom. apollo beats marsyas in a music playing contest and he wins and kills him. to me, this myth shows determination and pride.

  7. Artemis-
    In the myth of Artemis she is Zeus's favorite of the twins. Zeus allows her to get anything she wants. Artemis then goes and gets gold bow and gold arrows and then she also gets a pack of dogs. When she hunts she hunts she turns whatever shes hunting into an animal and has the dogs attack them. Artemis then turns Zeus's girlfriend into a bear and then Zeus banishes the bear to the stars so Hera wouldnt get suspicious.

  8. In the myth of Artemis she is very beautiful and her father Zeus wants to give her a gift and she asks for many things but he says he will give her the gift of going and getting her own gifts and she goes and gets her nymphs to accompany her and she goes and gets dogs from pan to help her hunt then she goes to the cyclops to get a silver bow and arrows then she went hunting and traveled all around the land and people gave her many names and that was her last gift.

  9. Artemis-
    She is the daughter of Zeus, who gives her all the gifts that she asked for. She received a silver bow and arrow, and the best nymphs and dogs. She would ride around shooting her bow and arrow destroying everything in her path, gaining her the gift of many names.

  10. Apollo and Artemis were born as twins. Apollo was known as a very beautiful man. After he receives his bow he ventured out to go kill a snake that killed his mom. They had a competition with music instruments. Apollo won the contest. Towards the end of the myth Apollo kills Marsyas.

  11. Apollo was the most beautiful god, and a master at music, poetry, math, and medicine. One story tells of Apollo chasing down his enemy the Python. Killing Python made Mother Earth very angry at Apollo. Another story tells of Apollo challenging Marsyas to a musical competition, forcing him to play his instrument upside down while singing, and of course Apollo won.

  12. Artemis is one of Zeus many children. She is one of the most beautiful gods ever in Zeus' eyes. He gives he anything she wants like: a silver bow, nymphs, and an embroidered deerskin tunic. Then Artemis goes out and hunts with her new gifts from Zeus. She then lived a life of chastity for all time.

  13. In the myth of Artemis, Artemis got to choose her gifts from Zeus. Artemis chooses a silver bow with a never ending supply of arrows, ten hounds, and, the best nymphs to help hunt. Artemis traversed across all land to gather her supplies. she also killed a boy staring at her

  14. Apollo's myth is about him hunting a python. He hurts and kills the python because it killed his mother. He then challenges Marsyas to a musical contest where the winner decides the punishment. Apollo wins the contest and then kills Marsyas.

  15. Artemis was a twin and was the most beautiful goddess ever born. She was the daughter of Zeus and a nymph. Zeus granted all of her wishes. She asked for many names and a silver bow and quiver that never ran out. She also asked for many dogs and nymphs to accompany her on her hunts. With these gifts she became the goddess of hunting.

  16. Artemis-
    Zeus and a nymph named Leto had two children, one named Artemis. Zeus favored Artemis because she was the more beautiful baby. As a result, he gave her any gift she desired and gave Artemis the power to go get those gifts. Artemis received all the gifts from other gods and goddesses. Zeus pursued one of her nymphs which cased Artemis to turn her into a bear for her dogs to hunt and kill. So Hera would not be suspicious of Zeus, he sent the nymph into the stars as a constellation as a bear.

  17. Apollo: the is the Sun god, and the most attractive of all the gods. as soon as he gets his golden bow he goes to hunt the serpent that hunted his mother. he finds the snake shoots him but it gets away in a cave. he fires into the cave with arrows of fire and draws the serpent out, he shoots the snake until it looks like a porcupine. then the Pythonesses games are born, and apollo challenges Marsyas to a play-off and Apollo wins and kills Marsyas.

  18. Apollo
    in the myth Apollo is considered the most handsome god. in the myth he rides in a golden chariot pulled by white horses and he wears a quiver of golden arrows he shots from an never ending quiver. he hunts the snake that chased his mother and killed it in a sacred place. this ticked off mother earth so he then named sports compition after the snake. he then out smarts a flute player.

  19. Artemis is born as twins with Apollo. She pretty much got whatever she asked for including a pack of hunting dogs. Artemis turns someone into a bear andd sends her dogs after them. Zeus saves them by turning them into constellations.

  20. Artemis
    I choose Artemis because she's a natural hunter. Artemis was born a twin to Apollo, and just like him, she loves the bow. Her uncle Zeus asked her for whatever she wants. She asks for a silver bow and quiver that its arrows will always replenish, along with maidens to hunt with her. Zeus gave her these and she whooped in joy and started to hunt. She swore her self to being a maiden forever, but she could take that away.

  21. Artemis is Zeus's daughter and she got to choose what gifts her father gave her. She recieved a silver bow with arrows, and nymphs. She goes out and hunts with the bow and nymphs. She traveled all across the land hunting things.

  22. Artemis
    Artemis the girl of Zeus's twins and is known as the goddess of hunt. She is Zeus's favorite and gave her anything she wanted. She wanted the best pack of dogs and a silver bow. She hunted with her silver bow and made her dogs attack her game. She latter turns Zeus's girlfriend into a bear and he turned her into stars.

  23. Apollo:
    The myth of Apollo explained how he was the most beautiful and how he became the god of music, poetry, mathematics, and medicine. Although he was a very wise god in his early years he was very rash and arrogant. One arrogant act that he did was to kill the Python (the beast hunting his mother) in the sacred place of the oracles of Mother Earth. This appalled many but he appeased them and made it up. Apollo also mistreated a satyr named Marsyas whom was challenged by Apollo to a music contest and lost, the punishment was death. This punishment was horrible due to the fact that the contest was unfair. Although Apollo was a great god he was very unjust in his early days.

  24. In the myth Artemis, she is one of the twins from Zeus and Leto. In Zeus's opinion she is one of the most beautiful gods ever. He tells her she can ask him for anything and everything she was wants, an she will get it. (gifts) The rest of the myth describes all the things she got, and how she hunts with her silver bow!
