Thursday, October 9, 2014


Write a response:

What is a theme of Oedipus Rex?  What are two examples that prove that theme?


  1. Ignorance is bliss is one theme in Oedipus Rex. One example is that once he found out what he had done with his mother he blinded himself. Another would be when Jocasta found out that Oedipus was her son and she had actually married and had children with him she killed herself.

  2. the theme of Oedipus Rex is that you should not do something until you know what your doing. 2 examples are that when Oedipus killed his father he did not know, he did not think about the punishments or who it was he just killed him. The other example is when he married his mom, he did not ask if she had previous kids or husband therefore he did not know what he was getting into.

  3. One of the themes of Oedipus Rex is that you can not run away from fate. Oedipus runs away from his "home" to prevent killing and sleeping with his "parents". But unknowingly still kills his father, and sleeps and has children with his mother. But also that when Jocasta attempted to kill him to save herself from fate, he was rescued and set right back on track. He could not escape from the prophecy of Apollo.

  4. One theme of Oedipus Rex is that you can't avoid fate. Before I begin my examples, I must mention that in the play, there is a prophecy that Oedipus would kill his father and marry his mother. Thus, one example that supports this is when Jocasta tried to kill Oedipus after hearing the prophecy, but instead when she gave him to the servant he spared his life. Another example from the play is when Oedipus traveled to Thebes and ended up killing his father, as prophesied.

  5. Treat others the way u want to be treated.
    1. Jocasta meant to kill Oedipus as a baby and ended up marrying her son
    2. Oedipus killed a man that was in his way, he ended up being his father

  6. Leave the past to the past because if you dwell upon it, it will only bring bad things. One example is when Jocasta tells Oedipus to just drop it and stop digging up his past and to just leave it because it will only end in sorrow. Another example is when Oedipus stabs his eyes out because it finally all comes rushing back to him and he can't stand his past so he is so upset about it he makes sure that his past will forever be what time he is living in and give up his future.

  7. The theme of Oedipus Rex is to treat others the way you would like to be treated. Jocasta sent her servant off to kill her child, and then that child came back to marry her and they had children. Another reason is that Oedipus killed his father and was the reason that all of Thebes had a plague.

  8. A theme of Oedipus Rex would be that ignorance is bliss. An example of this would be of Oedipus finally finding out that Laius was the one who he had killed. This caused Oedipus to mourn for he had killed his own father as he would find out later. Another example would be that Oedipus finds out that Jocasta, his wife, is also his mother. This causes much pain in the story and if the characters had not had found out they would have been much happier.

  9. The theme of Oedipus Rex is that you can't change your fate. Two examples that prove this point is in the story when Oedipus finds out that he is going to kill his father and have children with his mother; he can't change that. The second example is when the whole town got sick from the disease. You can't change what happened.

  10. A theme of Oedipus Rex is that one's fate can be unchangeable, no matter what is done. Oedipus tries to uncover who murdered Laius, when really Laius was his father and he had murdered him. His mother is also his wife, and earlier in his life when he was at a party, a prophet told him that he would kill his father and sleep with his mother. He was very fearful of his fate, and he tried everything in his power to try and change it, but he unknowingly followed through with his prophecy that was given to him.

  11. the theme to me is that you cant escape fate. One example to support this is that king Lauis attempted to have his son killed to avoid his death, which obviously didn't happen. Another example is that Oedipus left his home to avoid the prophecy but by trying to avoid it he ended up forfilling it.

  12. The theme of Oedipus Rex is Being self centered will end badly for you. Oedipus Rex was so self centered that he wouldn't move to the side of the road when King Laius asked him to. This resulted in him killing his father. Oedipus Rex was also self centered when he was talking to the blind prophet. He told the profit that he was wrong and Oedipus wouldn't listen to him. Oedipus was very self centered and that turned out badly for him and his family.

  13. One theme of Oedipus Rex is curiosity killed the cat. An example of this is when Oedipus found out from the servant that the prophecy was true. Another example of this theme is when Oedipus wanted to fix the plague in the town of Thebes.

  14. Ignorance is sometimes bliss, yet not every piece of information is beneficial. It all depends. In the case of Oedipus Rex, he knew of his destiny, yet he did not understand that it had already come to pass. If, he chose to ignore it he could have lived a good life with his mother as his wife, as she tried to tell him in an indirect way, but he did not listen. After Jocasta (his wife) hung herself, he had the revelation of why she did so. He could not bear this information, so he used Jocasta's brooches, and impaled his eyes out with them, as a symbol of resentment and a punishment to himself for doing what he did. If he had decided to not pursue the answers, he and his wife would have been okay, and lived a somewhat normal life.

  15. The theme is things don't always turn out the way you expect them too. Examples are that Oedipus didn't expect that his parents weren't really his parents. Oedipus also didn't expect that he killed his real dad and married his mom.

  16. A theme of Oedipus Rex is "You cannot always avoid fate." One example is that even though Oedipus' parents got rid of him in order to avoid the outcome of the prophecy. Another example is Oedipus trying to prove he did not kill Laius by trying to find holes in the other side of the story.

  17. A theme for oedipus is dont let others words get lodged into your mind. when oedipus was enraged by the drunk messenger telling him his foster parents were not his real parents, Oedipus ran away and ended up killing King Laius, fulfilling the prophecy. Another example is when Jacosta found out that her new husband was her son, she killed her self when there were a lot of other options

  18. The theme of Oedipus Rex is that not all things go your way. In example is when Oedipus talks about him being the highest of all man but it really turned out he wasn't and he even realized that. Another example is when he finds out Jocasta his wife was also his mother and she ends up killing her self leading him to make himself blind.

  19. The theme of this play is its not smart to ignore the truth. One example is he is told by a prophet his parents are not his real parents then he kills his real father. Also the second prophet said he was the kings killer and he was sleeping with his mom which he was but refused to accept.

  20. Ignorance is bliss is probably the biggest theme in Oedipus Rex. If Oedipus and his family never found out they inbred, Jocasta wouldn't have killed herself and Oedipus wouldn't have blinded himself and abandoned his children. They would've lived happily ever after if they never knew they were having incest.

  21. The theme of Oedipus Rex is you cant change your fate.
    1. When his parents try to kill Oedipus to avoid fate, but that doesn't happen.
    2. Oedipus marries his mom and has children, an Jocasta kills herself and Oedipus blinds himself to try and forget things that happened.
