Wednesday, October 15, 2014


Erica's best friend Amanda was sick in bed with the flu.  Amanda texted Erica and asked her to skip school and come over to help her by bringing her medicine and food.  Erica skipped math class, went to Amanda's house, and was called into the principals office the next day.

Justify Erica's excuse for skipping math class.


  1. My best friend was sick in bed and I was the only one who could take care of her, plus I only skipped one class

  2. Amanda's health was more of a priority to Erica which makes her a better person for putting her friend's needs above her own education

  3. Erica's friend was in need of care and assistance, she was simply offering a helping hand to get her friend healthy.

  4. Erica was putting others before herself. She probably felt like it was her duty to grant her friend's wishes.

  5. ERICA WAS HELPING A FRIEND IN NEED! LEAVE HER ALONE! She put her friends needs above her own. Her friend might not have gotten better if Erica didn't get her medicine for her.

  6. my best friend got sick, she needed my help, so i skipped math to go help her out

  7. Amanda's reason for skipping math class was to help her sick friend, which I'd say is a pretty good reason sort of.

  8. My friend was home sick and she needed someone to bring her medicine. I skipped ONE class to help her get better. She could have been sick for a couple more days and missed more school if I hadn't had brought her medicine.

  9. Erica was looking out for the welfare of a fellow student and the repercussions of skipping the class were worth less than Amanda's health.

  10. Erica was helping a friend, she should have told someone what she was doing before she did it and not just left.

  11. I'm making an inference that Amanda is immobile and has no means to get any form of help when she has to go ask a friend for assistance. Erica in response, skips the class that she can afford to skip to go help her friend in her time of need.

  12. Erica helped a friend in need. Her friend Amanda's parents do not care about her at all. Therefore Erica needed to take the role of her friend's parents. Leave Erica alone, she did a good deed and deserves to be out of trouble.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Erica was taking care of her best friend who was sick in bed and needed food and medicine.

  15. I think Erica had a very good reason but I think she should have told someone where was going and maybe asked before just leaving because she is the school responsibility at that point and if she would have been hurt or kidnapped the parents may have sued the school.

  16. Erica has math class every day and does quite well in it. and her friend needed her for one class period and that was the right thing to do

  17. She left school to go and help her friend who didn't have anyone around to take care of her so she could bring her medicine and food because Amanda was sick. so Erika was thinking of Amanda instead of grades because someones life is more important that math class. If it were someones child they would leave work to take care of them.

  18. Erica was scared for her friends life, when she thought Amanda got Ebola. Erica wanted to see Amanda before she died just in case. but luckily Amanda did not have Ebola and only had the flu. Erica was just a concerned friend.

  19. It was okay for Erica to skip class because she was looking out for her friend and her well being.

  20. I felt that her friends health was more important than math. Erica is stuck in bed with a terrible flu and needed medicine. I was the only person who could give proper care to my best friend. I felt that he health was the number one concern of the day.

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. Erica is helping a friend in need who is infected with a serious disease so she shouldn't be punish. Without Erica, Amanda might not heal at all.

  23. my bestfriend was sick, she needed me, so i skipped one class to help her out.

  24. Erica was helping a friend out that needed help with things that she couldn't do for herself. And she only missed one class.

  25. Amanda was very sick and had no one else to reach out to, so Erica, being a good friend, brought her food and medicine to help her feel better

  26. Amanda's parents work a lot and are neglectful so they wouldn't stay home or get her medicine. When Amanda gets sick she gets really weak and her family doesn't have the insurance for her to go the hospital if she collapses and gets hurt. Somebody had to help her and Amanda doesn't have any other friends that care enough to help her.
