Thursday, October 23, 2014


What is propaganda?

How does this commercial  prove to be an example of propaganda?


  1. propaganda is using something that people know and will remember to sell or encourage an idea or object. This commercial used a song that many people know, and it had humor in it.

  2. Its a way to promote or persuade people to buy or do something
    this commercial is trying to promote m&ms

  3. Propaganda is a tool used to persuade people into thinking or acting differently. This commercial is propaganda because it reminds people of the product M&M and most likely it wishes to persuade them to buy it.

  4. using somethinng people recognise to sell something. the song in this comercial is well known by many people.

  5. This commercial is an example of propaganda because it reminds people of the product M&Ms. It promotes the product and makes people think about going out and buying it.

  6. Different methods of persuasion and how to keep something in someone's mind.
    The commercial uses a popular song people like and it's memorable

  7. Testimonial? Because them little guys are pretty famous?
    Bandwagon? Everyone should join in the nakedness!

    Idk much about propaganda but that's what I got homie g

    1. Propaganda is information, especially of a biased or misleading nature.

  8. propaganda is a way to persuade people
    this commercial uses humor to make people buy m&ms

  9. It is the use of objects, events, or stereotypes to evoke target emotions to a certain idea or movement. It plays on the idea that males are more unintelligent then women,and that women are more mature. Other than that I would not know.

  10. Propaganda is a form of persuasion.
    Because this commercial is trying to promote M&M's

  11. Propaganda is a form of persuasion used to promote an idea or belief.
    The commercial is an example of propaganda by promoting M&M's as a type of candy everyone will love (sophisticated like the brown M&M and fun like the red M&M).

  12. A form in a way that influence people to do your will
    The commercial is a propaganda because its trying to convince you that their M&M chocolate is not regular type of chocolate

  13. Propaganda tries to get people to do something. The commercial tries to get people to buy m&ms.

  14. Propaganda is a way to persuade people to believe something. The commercial shows people a reason why they should be interested in m&ms.

  15. It is an example of propaganda because it is used to promote the product.

  16. propaganda is using bias to promote something that you believe in

    This commercial is an example of propaganda because it shows bandwagon. Once the red m&m sees that the brown m&m is "naked" he decides to take his "clothes" off too.

  17. It uses a song well known and its very funny.

  18. Propaganda is an advertisement using negative connotations and that tries to have the reader / watcher side with the person who created it.
    This is propaganda because it tries to convince people that m and m's are all the same just with different outsides

  19. propaganda is the use of information it make a topic look better or worse than it actually is. This commercial shows propaganda when it makes the viewer think that red M&Ms are stupid.

  20. Propaganda is using something to try to persuade you a certain way. This certain commercial used music and made the candy talk to persuade you to buy M&M's. The song is catchy and easy to remember. People will associate the song with this commercial.

  21. propaganda is an advertisement to convince someone to do something or act some way

  22. the M&M commercial was propaganda because it was promoting the brown M&M, also it was misleading in nature because the red M&M was mislead to take his shell off.

  23. Propaganda tries to persuade people to do or think something. This commercial is using propaganda to get people to buy M&M's.

  24. propaganda is a form of persuasion, used to promote someone to buy a product.

  25. Commercially persuading people to do something, buy something, or interact with something.

    Transfer because we wouldn't show up naked to a party so it is promoting our person beliefs.

  26. Propaganda is how you make someone either want to buy a product or at least if nothing else remember what the company's name is. An example is a catchy phrase or song or a really funny ad.
