Tuesday, November 18, 2014


What do you expect African literature aspects to look like?


  1. I expect it to be similar to English when it comes to rules and grammar, but different with languages and meanings.

  2. I think it would relate in some way to the older customs and traditions that they celebrate. It would be different from ours, since their history is different from ours.

  3. There will be many new words probably from the tribes that live there also the names will be very different from the normal English names like Tina or Paul. Grammar wise it may be similar but I think it will have some differences.

  4. I image there will be slang words or phrases that we will not be used to or know the meaning of.

  5. In my opinion I expect African Literature to look similar to our own. Over the years the African Countries have had many English influences, but it may also have a little bit of a tribal feel to it. For their culture does include some native beliefs.

  6. It wouldn't be much different from English. They might just have different cultural meanings for different terms.

  7. Stories based off of animals with lessons. LOL I DUNNO

  8. i think it would be similar in some way to english. but the language and the way they talk would be different.

  9. There will be different customs, jargon, and virtues. It may be hard to believe the cultural beliefs that are so alien.

  10. In a different language that involved dance or that's related with the different African tribes.

  11. I expect it to be quite different from ours. They have different customs and history, which gives them different roots and different ways of doing things.

  12. They will have similar sentence and writing structures. They will have cultural and personal relations and stories

  13. African literature i feel is going to be similar to ours. Since we have alot of slang words, i feel like there literature will as well. Maybe not the same as ours but very similar.

  14. I would expect African literature to reflect on their tribal cultures and be mostly about their past

  15. passed down slang, stories, and rituals for good fortune.

  16. i expect there to be refrences religen, culture and history and lots of storys through fables and so forth

  17. Slightly less developed than American literature? ((I don't entirely understand the question))

  18. I think that it will kinda be like English but not as in depth like a lot less stricter on the grammar aspect.

  19. pretty much all the aspects in any work of literature anywhere in the world.

  20. I think that the only thing that will remain similar is the structure of the literature.

  21. I expect it to be similar to english, since we have alot of slang words also. but it will be a little different based on their history and culture.

  22. I Expect aspects of culture and history in these writings

  23. same morals told in different ways
