Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Memoir Confessions

Click on the link and view the slideshow.  Why do you believe that people reveal dark secrets in their memoir?  Why purpose could an author serve by admitting these things?


  1. Because they feel like people need to know something. The purpose would be to beef up the story and to add emphasis

  2. I think that when people have a dark secret, they don't want to have to say it out loud because it sounds a lot worse than writing it. They get involved in writing about an event in their life, and sometimes that dark secret will contribute to the memoir. They have a chance to get it off their chest.

  3. They may feel they need to admit something, but it's easier to put it in writing than to say it otherwise.

  4. Because its easier to write it than say it out loud and they just want to get the secret off of their chest so they dont have to be stressed about it anymore

  5. catch people's attention
    get it off their chest or whatever

  6. that the celebrities are like normal people too and they have problems just like everyone else. not to feel bad about yourself because everyone has these problems

  7. because the celebrities too are like normal people and have things they didnt want people to know. so they put them in their memoir for them to learn later.

  8. I think people might reveal the darker side of their life in a memoir, because it might be a way of ridding the guilt. The author might serve from this by being the teacher to others who read theirs books.

  9. Its just like having a diary but a diary everyone can see. For some people it is better to write down feelings and secrets, than to say them aloud.

  10. I think that reveal these secrets because they want people to know and understand something. The purpose is to bring attention to what they are saying.

  11. Now that it's over, they can finally feel like they can talk about what has happened to them in the past and how it has made them who they are today.
    By admitting these things, it allows people to more emotionally connect with them.

  12. I think they reveal their dark secrets in their memoir, to gain a little more publicity and be the talk of the day.

  13. I believe some people reveal dark secrets so that people can relate to them. Other people I believe share dark secrets to get attention.

    They try to persuade people of their hard childhoods and that their life was not only fame or fortune.

  14. I believe that people reveal dark secrets because they are writing and can open up every crevice in their life. It allows them to tell without being heavily scrutinized for they are coming out on their own. An author could gain pity and give a lesson through admitting stuff.

  15. People reveal their secrets to set rumors straight and sometimes when they are celebrities and no one is paying attention to them anymore to get the public eye on them

  16. I believe that people reveal their dark secrets in their memoir because they don't want to say it in public, so it's easier to just write in in a memoir. Revealing a secret could publicize them more.

  17. I think people reveal dark things through a memoir because it is a lot easier to type something or to say something on film than it is to talk about it to a person, or people, face to face.
    To possibly make things easier by satisfying people with an answer or reasoning.

  18. These people feel as if they need to release their feelings to the public. The author can create a vulnerability between him/herself and the audience.

  19. I think people reveal dark secrets in their memoir to just get it out instead of trying to hide it forever. The author probably feels better and their own creation of a character similar to the author might make the author feel better. People probably assume the secrets can't be hide forever so they just express it in a memoir.

  20. They might reveal these events to rid themselves of their guilt, or to cast the guilt on others who may have done this to them.

  21. because they might feel guilty, and the only way to help get rid of the guilt is to reveal the secret. authors could get ideas for books.

  22. the readers will not be interested unless the story is strange or a dark secret. The others purpose for admitting these things is to get a secret out or make you feel better about your self

  23. It is a way of them getting off their chest. They kept it in, and held it so close for so long, that they finally felt it was time to let it go. Take the weight off of their chest. This allows the reader to know that they aren't holding anything back, that they are getting the full, true story, of their life.

  24. to tell there story and to know where there comming from
