Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Our man Steve

1.        Watch....and answer!

What is Steve Jobs trying to convince his audience of?

2.       Choose ethos, pathos, or logos to focus on during the speech.


3.        As a speaker, what did Steve Jobs do that was positive?

Monday, October 27, 2014

Example Essay

Read the example essay. 

Persuasive Essay
There is countless social media that make it possible to form broad connections between people. As users of social media increase, there is a debate whether social media gives good influences to people or not. Although social media leads people to have more interaction and promotes long-distance relationships, it has a lot of bad things that make us out of control. Many of social media users are addicted and they became more isolated by using social media. The most famous social networks, YouTube, Facebook and Skype are included. It is important to know why people have to use social media carefully and need some restrictions when using it.
            Many people love social media because of its wide connectivity and functions that people can receive it for free; it does not require money to make an account and use it. Facebook is the most visible among various social media. Since each user has a right to accept or refuse the friend request, the interest by people is high enough. Moreover people tend to allow the other’s friend request who have same thoughts and characteristics, by this reason it is able to maintain an intimate relationship. Not only users can leave comment on other's post and the other user reply to that comment, by doing this continuing communication can be accomplished. So, it is a same response of users that deep networking can be made naturally. The survey from the “Telegraph” which is a famous newspaper in United Kingdom, tells that Social networks such as Facebook are helping to inspire a boom in long distance relationships. The number of people who have a partner that lives more than two hours away increased about twice in the last ten years. Three quarters of them say that by using social network such as Facebook and MySpace where everything can be shared, they were able to maintain their long-distance relationship.
            These kinds of social media can also have various advantages which receive less attention than the bad effects of social media. The most serious problem of social media is addiction. One reporter described that “Text messaging is no longer the biggest teenage obsession, and long gone are the days where the biggest worries for parents were celebrity crushes, massive phone bills from ridiculously long phone calls and chocolate overloads. These teenage obsessions still exist, but in today’s day and age, and in comparison to the Facebook craze, they seem rather insignificant (Director).”
Some people become lonelier after using social media. Most people might think that because social media has a benefit that gives more opportunity to people to have more interactions through social network, people can strengthen relationship with their friends by chatting and leaving comments on each other’s wall and even people could make new friends by online meeting. According to interview with Dr. John Cacioppo, who is a professor in neuroscience at the University of Chicago, “You can end up online so much that you end up sacrificing face-to-face contact. Having 4000 friends on Facebook might make you feel that you have lots of friends, but you have no face-to-face contact. In that case, loneliness INCREASES (Johnson).” It is not possible to make real relationship if people do not meet face to face. The people who were not talkative and social would be worse.
            In conclusion, although social media has lots of benefits that are attractive and helpful to us, it usually gives more harmful influences. Like an addiction and fraud advertising, it is not anymore a small problem that can be ignored. To make better future, it is really important for society to use social media for to promote positivity.  The future is in the hands of the current generation.  

Answer these questions (you do not have to rewrite the question...just number the answers):

1.  Choose one type of propaganda, and identify it from the article.

2.  What is the topic sentence?

3.  How many supporting arguments does this author have to support his point? 

Thursday, October 23, 2014


What is propaganda?

How does this commercial  prove to be an example of propaganda?

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Pick a topic

Choose your topic.  Write your topic sentence.  Do not choose the same topic as someone else.

Monday, October 20, 2014


What are some strategies that you can use to persuade someone into doing something??

Friday, October 17, 2014


Define rhythm to the best of your ability (no cheating)!  What is the difference between rhythm and rhyme?

Wednesday, October 15, 2014


Erica's best friend Amanda was sick in bed with the flu.  Amanda texted Erica and asked her to skip school and come over to help her by bringing her medicine and food.  Erica skipped math class, went to Amanda's house, and was called into the principals office the next day.

Justify Erica's excuse for skipping math class.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Point of View

We are going to watch a short clip.  From your point of view, which one of these literary devices is most useful to writing?  Why???


Friday, October 10, 2014


2 examples of assonance


2 examples of consonance


1 example of each

Thursday, October 9, 2014


Write a response:

What is a theme of Oedipus Rex?  What are two examples that prove that theme?

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Tuesday, October 7, 2014


We will view a slideshow.  When the slideshow is done, you will see your journal prompt.  Wait for it...........

wait for it......

While you're waiting, please get out your vocabulary homework & sentences.

Monday, October 6, 2014


Summarize the play.  5-7 sentences.  Use at least one vocabulary word from Oedipus Rex in this response.